I was cleaning the kitchen and Hailee was playing with the magnets on the fridge. I wasn't paying much attention to her because she was being so good and quiet and I really wanted to finish the dishes, but to my surprise, she WASN'T playing with the magnets! She has gotten into the trash can and found the left over birthday cake and was stuffing it into her mouth! No wonder why she was so quiet and good! We couldn't stop laughing at the sight! She is definitely going to LOVE her birthday cake next month!

Next, Hailee decided that she didn't want any help with dinner. I was eating a Miguel's Jr salad and fed her a few of the refried beans and she loved them! I ended up opening a can of beans and put some in a bowl for her and she went crazy over them!
I absolutely love these last pictures. They don't involve food, but they involve love. I am always so amazed at how much Hailee watches us and learns so much everyday. She watches me everyday put make up on. She knows how to open my powder, put some of it on the brush and then she will put it on her cheeks. She is such an amazing and beautiful daughter and we are so proud of everything that she does. We couldn't have asked for a better daughter then her. We love her more than words can explain.

She is so stinkin funny!!! Seriously, those cake trash can pictures are such a crack up! She is going to DESTROY her Birthday cake for sure!!!
Also, those makeup pics, precious!!! She is getting so big and no longer looks like the little baby girl she once was, she is now a toddler!
She is Beautiful Laurie and I am so blessed to be her Auntie!
Whenever they are alone and quite, you know something bad is going on. That is hilarious though.
And Happy Birthday. Isn't it funny how birthday celebrations change once you have a family of your own. It is so fun though!
Man, that's so funny. Those moments are the BEST!
Oh my... Eating out of the trash! Derek has done that too. So funny... but gross! But I have to disagree with Sarah... sorry Sarah! To me, she absolutely still looks like a little baby girl, not a toddler! She is so little and innocent! Just wait!
Those are so ADORABLE!!! What a darling little angel :) By the way, I tagged you on my blog to write your 8 quirks :)
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