Today I turned 25! It has been a WONDERFUL day!
It started off with Gregg getting home from his graveyard shift this morning and showering me with kisses and hugs! He went to bed for a few hours so Hailee and I played "house".
I seriously LOVE her so much. She is at such a fun age right now where she is so interactive and such a GIRLY GIRL!
After a few hours of playing and a 3 hour long nap, Gregg, Hailee and I went to the park for a while. It was so much fun! We took her on the swings and slides. We even let her go down the slide all by herself, and she LOVED it! We were so surprised that she wasn't scared at all! She is one brave little girl!Afterwards, we came back home and I opened presents from my parents and from Gregg and Hailee. Gregg had hidden all of my presents through out the house and in his card was a set of clues for each one!
I love my little family so much! It has been such a happy day! I thought that I would be sad turning 25 but I am nothing but HAPPY! Oh, and I'm also excited that Gregg and I are going to go see Wicked in two weeks!
Happy Birthday Laurie!! Glad you had a great day, looks like you got a bunch of presents too! Jake took me last year on my birthday to see WICKED! You will absolutely LOVE it!!!
Happy Birthday! I thought 25 would be hard... but now I think I'll stay 25 forever.
So fun! what a creative husband you have! 25 looks good on you!
Happy Birthday Laurie! I am so glad you had a wonderful day.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm glad you had a great day! That's cute what Gregg did! I did that for James when he found out I was pregnant! So fun!
Hey! Happy Birthday! That was so cute what Gregg did for your birthday!! I want to see WIcked really bad, let me know how it goes!
Happy Happy Birthday girl! I wish we would have known you were doing presents and everything yesterday day, we would have come down then for it.
Looks like a fun day and I am so happy to hear that you were happy on your birthday.
That is so sweet and cool that Gregg did a little hunt for your presents and did riddles and everything for you to find them. That is creative if you ask me! And I am so jealous about WICKED!!! I want to go see that SO BAD!!! I know you are going to have a blast, everyone that has seen it says they loved it!
Happy Birthday, Laurie! Sounds like you had so much fun. Oh, and you're going to love Wicked. It's awesome!
Happy Birthday! I'm glad it was so enjoyable for you! Hailee is looking so cute, too!
happy birthday. Sounds like a fun day.
Happy Birthday! You are so YOUNG - compared to us late 20'ers. Glad you had a good time and get to do something FUN. I heard Wicked was amazing!
Happy Birthday Laurie!!! Are Birthdays are so close together!! That is awesome and being 25 is one of the best years ever! I am so excited for you :) Your Husband is so cute and creative! I love your outlook on life and your amazing! :) I am so happy you were born and that I know you :)
Happy Birthday! It sounds like you had a great day. A nap would be at the top of my list on my birthday for sure!!
Happy Birthday!!! We hope you have a fantastic year.. Being 25 again would be ohh so nice..
Chris and Julie
happy bday! oh and wicked is AWESOME... even brian loved it and that is unusual. enjoy!
happy late birthday! looks like life is going well :)
Happy Birthday Laurie! I'm so glad it was a good day for you! Looks like it was filled with lots and lots of fun with the people you love! Those are the best birthdays!
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