I love Spring time! The weather is always (usually) so nice and it gets me so excited for summer! The days start staying lighter longer which means more outside fun!
Gregg has been working on our yard alot lately. He tore up some patches of grass in the front yard that weren't that great looking and he and Hailee re seeded the bare spots. Hailee absolutely LOVES helping her Daddy in the yard. She even has her own rake, broom and shovel! It is so cute!
Gregg has been working on our yard alot lately. He tore up some patches of grass in the front yard that weren't that great looking and he and Hailee re seeded the bare spots. Hailee absolutely LOVES helping her Daddy in the yard. She even has her own rake, broom and shovel! It is so cute!
The first warm day of 85 degrees, we decided to hit the pool! Hailee was in HEAVEN! She is our little water girl! As soon as her floaties were on, she ran to the side of the pool to jump in! Now, the weather was really warm, but the pool water was still pretty COLD!
Gregg decided to help Hailee in so it wouldn't be such a shocker to her body with how cold it was. But even the cold water didn't stop her from having a great time! She laughed almost the entire time they were in the pool! It was so fun to see her sooo excited to be swimming again! We were so proud that she remembered so much from last summer!
Once she finally got cold enough, they went over to the hot tub to continue swimming. I think she enjoyed the warm water alot more.
She seriously has no fear of jumping in! She will do it over and over and over! Each time she jumps higher and farther!
Last week, (Wed. April7th) my friend Jen Fallon wanted to take maternity pictures of me for her portfolio. I was a little hesitant about taking them so late in my pregnancy (Because I feel so big right now!) But I decided to go ahead with them!
She did such a great job! I am 36 1/2 weeks in these pictures!

Taking these pictures was so much fun! Jen is such an awesome girl! Check out her link on my friends list. Jen Fallon Photography!

She did such a great job! I am 36 1/2 weeks in these pictures!

Some things to remember about this pregnancy:
-Before I had a positive pregnancy test, I already knew I was pregnant
-I took 3 pregnancy tests at home to make sure I really was pregnant, then went to the doctors to take theirs, and it came back negative.
-I cried, and the nurse told me she could tell I REALLY was pregnant, so had me get my blood work done which came back as a positive pregnancy
-We heard the heartbeat at my 12 week appointment
-I was nauseous 24/7 for the first 13 weeks
-I ran in the SBSD Mud Run at 10 weeks pregnant
-We found out at 15 weeks that we were having a BOY at an ultra sound place
-We thought we were having another girl, and the moment she told me it was a boy, I started crying...out of JOY! I would have been HAPPY either way, but it was so exciting knowing we would have a daughter and now a son!
-Hailee and Gregg came with me to that ultra sound and Hailee was fascinated with seeing a baby up on the screen.
-At my 20 week doctors ultra sound, it was confirmed again that we were having a boy, and also that I had placenta previa
-Because I had placenta previa, I had to stop running at 20 weeks....which was emotionally hard on me
-I freaked out and thought I would gain 50 pounds because I couldn't run anymore
But I didn't....
-I walked 5-7 miles everyday
-Every day since 20 weeks, I have CRAVED running.
-I started really feeling Jake move inside around 22 weeks
-When I was cleared from having placenta previa at 27 weeks, I jogged during part of my walk just to be able to feed my craving a little bit
-After that day, I never ran again during the pregnancy
-I started showing alot sooner this pregnancy
-I carry Jake really low compared to carrying Hailee really high
-I have never worn a pair of maternity pants. I just bought a bigger size in pants. I refuse to wear maternity pants!
-I have never sent Gregg to buy me food that I was craving...the only thing I have really craved is the feeling from a good hard run.
-I taught Pilate's until 22 weeks along and taught the aerobic classes until the last week of March. (Around 34/35 weeks along)
-We knew we would name our son Jake, so once we found out it was a boy, we didn't have to try and come up with a name.
-I am 9 lbs HEAVIER this pregnancy than I was when pregnant with Hailee. (AHH!!!!) Take that back....just went to the doctors today (4/16/10) and I am only 6 lbs HEAVIER! I'll take that over 9lbs! lol
-Every doctors appointment turns into a "lets talk about fitness and running" session with my doctor. He signed up for his first race and always asks me about training and getting into shape...it honestly gets annoying sometimes because it makes my appointments take forever. I finally printed him a running schedule and told him to follow it and if he didn't, I would start charging him for my time when we talk about fitness. lol.
-Hailee is so excited to be having a little baby brother....I think she understands for the most part with what is going on.
-She tells us that Jake is with Jesus right now
-Grandma gave Hailee a boy baby doll and she now has named the baby doll Jake.
-I enjoy being pregnant
-I have been having contractions ALOT, so I have slowed things down....I'm now down to doing only 5 miles a day instead of the 5-7.
-The nursery is pretty much finished. We went with a firefighter theme. It turned out really cute.
-My goal is to walk 7 miles the day before I go in for my c-section.
-I am so excited to be having a son.
-I can't wait to meet him
-I have had two dreams of him, and in my dreams saw what he looked like, so it will be interesting to see if he really looks like he did in my dreams.
-In my dreams he had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes
-And he was a pretty big baby in my dreams!
-I haven't been too demanding on Gregg this pregnancy...probably just a little emotional. lol.
-My scheduled date is April 23rd 2010, and I pray he doesn't come any sooner than that!
-Hailee and Jake will be 2 years and 5 months apart
-Everyone tells me that having two kids is so much harder, but honestly, I am SO EXCITED to have two children. I have felt that this lil guy has been wanting to come to our family for quite some time now, and we are just so thrilled for it. Yes, it will be challenging and tiring, but we don't care. We are just so happy!
-Oh, I still don't have my hospital bags packed....I should probably do that soon!
You look so darling in those maternity pics! You are so amazing--I'm going to try to be as disciplined with the exercise as you are when I'm pregnant (we'll see if that happens)! :)
Good for you! You look so great. I carry Carter a lot lower then I did Jocelynn also. Can't wait to see pictures next week!
I just love the pics of you, There fabulous. You look great. Was the pool warm??
I am glad you put this up on facebook to remind me to add you to our blog! The maternity pics turned out really cute! And I can't wait for more warm days so we can go to the pool!
Those maternity pictures came out great!(i always love how you do your makeup and the clothes you worse were so simple but so cute!) You really do look pretty pregnant. I wouldn't worry at ALL about the 9 pounds. Your little boy obviously needed it to be healthy. I know you dont over eat or binge on junk foods, and you exercise so it's not like its 9 pounds of fat. Just think about it being 9 pounds of everything your baby could ever ask for :)
what a great post! it's great to write down all the things you remember about the pregnancy, because inevitably you forget it - what a great idea! I will have to copy you on that one! I can't believe you haven't had any cravings! I could list probably 20 weird craving I've had already...and seriously you are a cute prego mama! can't wait to see what he looks like and hope it all goes well! good luck!!!
what a great post! it's great to write down all the things you remember about the pregnancy, because inevitably you forget it - what a great idea! I will have to copy you on that one! I can't believe you haven't had any cravings! I could list probably 20 weird craving I've had already...and seriously you are a cute prego mama! can't wait to see what he looks like and hope it all goes well! good luck!!!
You are amazing and I wish just a tad of your hunger to run would rub off on me. Love that you told your dr. you'd start charging him. :) The maternity pics are cute and you look great!
Those maternity pictures really turned out great! You look amazing for being as pregnant as you are. You would never know. Your friend did a great job! I am sure she is thrilled to have you on her website.
Love that you have already been to the pool. Brooke and I will be there with you a ton this summer :) Can't wait!
Love all the Jake facts!
You are amazing to exercise throughout your pregnancy! Way to go! And don't worry about having 2 kids... it's honestly not that much harder and you'll adjust quickly! Can't wait to see pictures of him. Good luck!
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