These past few weeks seems like we have spent alot of time at home. Hailee has been sick with one thing after another! First she had a cold, runny nose, then it went to a double eye infection, upper respiratory infection, fever and the latest has been infected tonsils. Right now she is on two separate antibiotics. This winter has sure been tough on her! Hopefully the medicine will cure all and she will be back to her healthy self for a long time!
Since we have been mostly indoors, we have played alot of dress up. Her favorite though is wearing my heels around the house. I am so surprised at how well she walks in them! You would think she was born wearing heels!
That's my girl! Total girly!.JPG)
The days that she has been feeling well, we have been keeping busy! Daddy took us girls out to dinner the other night. (1/13/10) We went to our favorite restaurant...California Pizza Kitchen!
Grandma bought two new exciting toys! She bought this quad and a red sports car! My Mom gave me both of them to take home to see which one Hailee would enjoy the best. It was so hard to decide because she LOVED them both! She goes so fast on them! The quad is now at Grandma's house for when we play there, and the red car is at our house for everyday use! Thanks Grandma! You are the best!
On Friday Jan 17th, we were able to meet up with Ricky's girlfriend and her family. They were on vacation here from Colorado (and Utah). We met them in Brea for a great dinner. They are such a sweet family and we had a great time getting to know them, and seeing Janae again! She is such an awesome girl and seriously has some of the cutest clothes ever!
Hailee had a great time with Janae too! They played with Hailee's rubber bands and Janae was such a good sport to let Hailee do her hair!
When Hailee hasn't been feeling the greatest, we have also had many, many tea parties. It is so fascinating to watch her use her imagination. We will pretend to eat and drink and once we are done, she gathers all of the dishes and takes them into her house to wash them. She is growing up so fast!
Tonight, (1/17) we had our first Family FHE. This year our family is focused on becoming closer to one another and uniting more as a family. We are taking turns each month at each others houses to give the lesson and play games. Tonight was alot of fun and we look forward to next month! Hailee's favorite game tonight was "Ring Around the Rosies!" I don't know how many times we played it, but by the end we were all feeling so dizzy!
We also played Taboo, our new favorite game! Grandma and Grandpa beat Gregg and I! Good job!
That's about it for now.... stay tuned until the next post!