We had my sister in law Sarah (Sarah Lynn Photography) take our family pictures! I was actually really nervous that Hailee wouldn't cooperate. Ever since she has been walking, it is so hard to take any pictures of her....she never stands still long enough! She didn't do too bad yesterday, we didn't get a whole lot of smiles from her (I think because it was FREEZING COLD!) but we were able to get some good shots! I wish I could post ALL of them, but that would be about 100 pictures, so I'll just post a few of our favorite ones! Thank you so much Sarah!

Cute pics...when my mom saw Hailee at the baby shower, she said she looks exactly like you at that age...and her laugh and smile were just like yours.
Cute family pics! I think you got some really good shots with Hailee. Hope you guys have a great Christmas!!!
Cute Pictures. Love them. try -11 for freezing. Ya... thats what has been for the last 2 days. Im not sure how much longer I can handle it.
I love her jacket. Nice shots and I like the background. Where did you go?
Those are cute pictures!!!
Yeah I am glad you like them, it was way fun taking them of you guys, I am glad that you got something for your christmas cards and more. You guys were a blast!
Cute pictures, I love Hailee's little shirt- super cute!
super cute!! i love the header pic!
CUte pics... where were they taken at?
Hailee is growing so fast!!! Your pictures look great. I can't wait till we are able to take our first family picture like these.
i love the first one! You guys are so darling!!!
How cute! I love them! I can't believe how big Hailee is getting. And she continues to look so Robinson. Adorable!
You guys look sooo cute!! I love the pic of you guys running back to the car:)
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