Wow, Hailee turned 10 months old yesterday, Sept. 26 2008! We can't believe how fast time flys once you have a baby!
Here are TEN things that we ABSOLUTELY LOVE about our little girl!
1) We LOVE that she now gives us loves (hugs) and kisses. She also gives loves and kisses to her books, blankies and the cell phone when Daddy is talking on the other end of it. She also gives loves to her new baby doll that Grandma and Grandpa got her for her 10 month birthday!
2) We LOVE all of the different faces that she makes! She now has a "Monster" face that she makes. It is hilarious! Her Uncle Dew (Kipper) used to make the same monster faces when he was a baby! She seriously has sooooo much personality!
"Aww come on Mom...I'm in the pictures please!"
3) We LOVE that she is so busy! She has never been one to just sit around all day and chill. She has to be into EVERYTHING and ANYTHING all day long!
4) We LOVE that she puts everything away. She loves putting everything into her bottom dresser drawer, into her diaper drawer, into the kitchen drawers, pretty much any drawer! I have found my phone, keys, wipees, toys, spoons, balls etc. in the drawers! It is one of her favorite thing to do!
5) We LOVE that when ever she has a chance, she is always pulling the toilet paper off of the roll or her wipees out of the wipee warmer! She has even hid the wipees that she has pulled out into the drawer!
6) We LOVE LOVE LOVE that she is FINALLY taking an afternoon nap! This is something NEW! This past week she decided that from around 11:30ish until 2:00pm she wants to sleep! It is soooo wonderful!
7) We LOVE that she loves to walk. She isn't walking on her own yet, but she is always cruising around on the furniture, against the walls, along the banisters. She would much rather get around by walking this way than by crawling.
8) We LOVE that she loves the outdoors. She loves to go running with Mommy and she loves to be in the backpack on Daddy's back when we are hiking! She also loves to be at the park, or out in front on the grass!
9) We LOVE that she chuckles! She laughs all of the time, but now she even does a chuckle laugh under her breath! Its hysterical!
10) We LOVE that she loves her toys. She even considers the gate as a toy! She is constantly sticking her leg out of it and starts laughing! She thinks its so funny!
She is so stinkin amazing!!! I think that kid is one of the cutest kiddos ever! Seriously look at those eyes!
I can not believe that she is 10 months old! Time flys so stinkin fast!
She is getting so big, and six teeth, WOW!!!
So we need to set up some bonding time with Hailee soon for sure.
O and I love the new balls toy, now you have 2 cool balls toys!
She has the prettiest blue eyes ever!!!!
Time flys huh?! Before you know it she will be talking. She's beautiful
Makenna wants to come over and play with Hailee's toys! She says they looks so much better than her own :)
I swear you were just pregnant with her the other she is 10 months. Crazy! Watch out...that one year is creeping up!
well, I love how CUTE hailey is at 10 months :)
What a joy to have! I love the expression on her face in the bath. She is adorable!
10 months WOW!! I love the pic of her sticking her leg through the gate. She's such a big girl now, and so so cute!!
hey i started a blog and don't know how to add friends or! and i need help making it look cute :) mine is
She is such a cute little girl. Glad she is growing up so happy and healthy.
Replying to your comment.... we were going to bring you some Costco cake, but by the time we got to it I don't think you guys would want it! The frosting was pretty much gone!
Opps, one more thing! Derek was looking at Hailees pictures and he wants to come play in her bounce house ball thingie. He keeps saying, "I go play balls with Hailee".
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