Wow, I can't believe how much can happen in just TWO days! Okay, it may not be a lot for some of you, but right now it seems like it is alot for me! First off, here are the two loves of my life. My husband and daughter. I was inside working on Hailee's Halloween costume, yes, you read that right...I am already working on her Halloween costume, and 50% finished with it! Yeah! But Gregg and Hailee had "Daddy Daughter" time outside. Hailee hasn't been feeling too well these past couple of days because her top teeth are coming in, so this is how I found them. Fast asleep. So precious. I don't know why, but I absolutely LOVE sleeping pictures. I guess because they look like angels when they sleep.
Secondly, last night, Sept. 7, 2008, Hailee took her first steps! Wait, she didn't take her first steps, she took her first RUN! It was hysterical! And the BEST part....I got it on video! I was taking video of her talking because she was jabbering up a storm and cruising around the furniture, and then BAM!She took her first steps! We are all SO EXCITED!!!!
Lastly, tonight we got a surprise phone call from Gregg's work. He just signed on with a Disaster Response Team the other day at work, and today they called him and told him they are deploying him tomorrow morning at 5am to Texas to help with the hurricane evacuations and what ever might else happen there! He will be gone anywhere from 14-17 days! For some of you that may not seem that long, but for me, it seems like FOREVER!!!! I have had mixed emotions all evening! We are all very excited for this opportunity for him to be able to help other people in times of need; but I am going to miss him like CRAZY!!! I have a feeling this is the first of many departures that he will have since it is the beginning of hurricane season! We are going to miss him so much, but knowing that he has the Priesthood and Gospel makes me feel comforted knowing that he will be protected! We love you sweetie!
Yeah! I'm so glad Gregg was able to see her first steps. That's a bummer that he will be gone, that is a long time. Call me and we'll hang out more.
oh my gosh! i totally feel for you! I HATE being gone from Bri for more than like 2 days? We will have to have lots of girl get togethers while he is away!
thats so exciting! her first steps. She seemed so excited and with all that adrenaline, it happened! How fun!
and about your hubby being gone, not fun... hang in there!
Hey! It's definitely a bitter sweet moment for you and your family. There are so many people that are in need right now, so it's awesome that he (and you) are able to sacrifice some time so he can serve. I am sure it will be hard, but you are right...the Lord will protect him (and you). We'll have to get together!
We have been learning to surf, so when Gregg comes back, come down to our place and we'll go to the beach! we are only 6 miles away so if hailee gets tired, we can take a break and then go back out when she's ready to play again! :)
That is a lot to happen. Yeah for first steps too cute. THat is a long time what a great way to help out. Hang in there.
Wow what a few days, first of all I totally want to know what Hailee is going to be and I am thinking of doing a kid costume photo shoot. Maybe she can be a model for me. I am still working on getting my own backdrop stands. Hopefully REALLY SOON!!!
Next YEAH YEAH YEAH for the first RUN and the fact that you caught that on camera HOW COOL IS THAT!!! Looks like she is going to be just like her mommy the runner!
Next, I know that Gregg will be safe, this will be a great experience and think of all the service that he will be doing which means blessings blessings blessings for you guys and lots of overtime!!! Yeah!!!!
Can't wait to run tomorrow. Kick my butt into shape PLEASE!!!
that video of hailee is so cute!!! I love all her blond hair and blond eyelashes! Anyways i think when we come down to CA, kip and greg should wear their fireman uniforms and collins wears his uniform and take a pic of our devishly-good-lookin-USA-servin-husbands!congrats to hailee for her first run!!!
I love that video! Her first steps?? Do you feel like your baby is turning into a toddler? Sometimes I look at Olivia and think, she's only going to be a baby for a few more months- once they start walking and talking they're totally toddlers! It's happy and sad.
Poor you, being a single wife! I HATE when Isaac is gone. Plus I feel like he's missing things with Olivia. At least you can be proud of him for being part of such a good thing. I will be watching the news to see when the hurricane hits. Sorry this was so long! :)
That must be one of the funnest firsts as a parent. And by the looks of it she is ready to just take off. Oh just wait, life changes SOOOO much once they start walking/running.
We will keep Gregg in our thoughts and prayers. Hopefully this will be an amazing experience for him.
Sleeping pictures are the best!!! They are so cute together :)
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