Yesterday was our two year anniversary! I can not believe how fast time flies by! Life sure is amazing together and we were truly meant to be together by how everything worked out! Here is the short version of our story.
On September 23 2005, Gregg sent me an email on LDS Linkup. We were both sick of dating those that lived close by, so that is how we both found ourselves on that website! I was living at home in Corona and Gregg was living in Orem, UT. That day happened to be his birthday and he was down in St. George on a boating trip. But, he had his friends lap top and frequently checked his emails to see if I responded and I did! This is when we both started sending a ton of pictures to each other.

I don't think either of us thought much of it at first, considering we lived so far apart, but we both seemed so interested in each other and constantly emailed back and forth. We decided that we mine as well start calling each other, so we did, which lead to HOURS AND HOURS of talking each day! This went on for about a month, then we realized that we wanted to meet each other. Gregg was the brave one to fly out to meet me. On Nov. 2 2005 he came here and stayed for the weekend with my family and I. We had an AWESOME time together! We went long boarding down at the beach, rode quads, miniature golfing and hiking! It was so much fun!
Once Gregg had to go back to Utah, we instantly MISSED each other sooo much! So we decided to get cheesy and make signs.

He continued flying out alot so we could spend time together. Christmas of 2005 I flew up to meet his family and spend time with him. That is when he told me he loved me!
I eventually realized that if this was going to work out, I would have to move up there. So, I did. I moved to Orem, UT Feb. 2006 and we continued to date. Easter weekend Gregg proposed to me. I had no clue it was coming. He called me and said that they were practicing the ladder climbs at work and said I could come and try it. So of course I did! I was so excited! When we were at the very top, the Engineer swung the ladder around looking to the lower parking lot, and then the Fire Engine below drove away revealing the "Will you Marry Me" chalk drawing. Gregg got down on one knee (yes, even being up on a ladder!) And of course, I said yes! That night we took of to Vegas and met up with my parents for the weekend which was so fun to share the exciting news with them!

Our Engagement Picture
We were married in the San Diego Temple on Aug 5 2006.

Our first Christmas as a married couple
Our 1 Year Anniversary
(I was 6 months pregnant)
Nov 26 2007 Hailee Sue Hardy was born

Christmas 2007
Our Family Picture
Aug 5 2008
Our 2 Year Anniversary!
Happy anniversary! I LOVE you so much!

On September 23 2005, Gregg sent me an email on LDS Linkup. We were both sick of dating those that lived close by, so that is how we both found ourselves on that website! I was living at home in Corona and Gregg was living in Orem, UT. That day happened to be his birthday and he was down in St. George on a boating trip. But, he had his friends lap top and frequently checked his emails to see if I responded and I did! This is when we both started sending a ton of pictures to each other.

I don't think either of us thought much of it at first, considering we lived so far apart, but we both seemed so interested in each other and constantly emailed back and forth. We decided that we mine as well start calling each other, so we did, which lead to HOURS AND HOURS of talking each day! This went on for about a month, then we realized that we wanted to meet each other. Gregg was the brave one to fly out to meet me. On Nov. 2 2005 he came here and stayed for the weekend with my family and I. We had an AWESOME time together! We went long boarding down at the beach, rode quads, miniature golfing and hiking! It was so much fun!

He continued flying out alot so we could spend time together. Christmas of 2005 I flew up to meet his family and spend time with him. That is when he told me he loved me!
Our Engagement Picture

(I was 6 months pregnant)

Christmas 2007
Our Family Picture

Our 2 Year Anniversary!
Happy anniversary! I LOVE you so much!
What a CuTe post! You guys are AdOrAbLe together and I LoVeD the story of how you guys met! tooo CuTe!
HaPpY AnNiVeRsArY!
Happy Anniversary! Ours is tomorrow! We're celebrating 4 years together!
Wow, that is a crazy fast 2 years! Crazy! Is it not amazing what has happened in that time? So neat!
Happy Anniversary! What a cute story!
Yay, congrats Laurie. Such a cute little family!
It seems that everyones anniversary is in July or August. Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! What a cute story! I love your signs you made for one another-they are hilarious!!!
i always wondered how you two met. I had no idea it was through the internet!! Happy anniversary
that was such a cute post! Loved it! I didnt know that you guys met online! THats too funny... with your sign!
Happy anniversary!
I think I remember my mom telling me that you met through the internet! You guys are so cute! Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations! You two are a match made in heaven!
oh my gosh! isnt it crazy how fast 2 years goes! congratulations!
Happy Anniversary! Another amazing example of how good the internet is. You two are a perfect couple. Cheers! -TC
How sweet. Happy anniversary. Isn't amazing how time flies.
I love this blog and all the pictures going through your story together! You look great! Congrats again and a happy 2 years!( we just had our 2 month "anniversary" a couple weeks ago!
I would love to get together this week! Wed evening 5pm-6pm I have Achievement Day for church. What time and day is best for u?
Thank you for posting this!! I love it :) I recently got on there when I was tired of dating. Its fun :) I can't believe you have been married for two years! You both are a beautiful couple! I had wondered how you had meet your husband!
This is totally cute how you did the pictures with the whole story!!! I love it so much!!! CONGRATS111
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