Hailee is 9 months old today (August 26th 2008)! She is growing up so fast! She is such a silly little girl and so much fun! She defiantly has a strong personality already and is such a sweet heart. She now has 3 teeth! Her first top tooth came in yesterday!
She has 3 teeth
She loves to crawl and to walk holding onto furniture
She loves to look and touch all of the clothes in her closet
She loves to look and touch all of the clothes in her closet
She throws tantrums already if she doesn't get her way
She still loves her bottles, but won't hold them. We have to hold it for her
Hasn't quite figured out how a sippy cup works
Such a "silky blankie" girl
Finally is sucking on the 3+ month binkis
Every morning she throws everything out of her crib to try to wake us up
Loves to play "peek-a-boo"
Loves to play catch and toss
Loves to have you chase her when she is crawling
Loves having her teeth brushed
Gives kisses to the babies in her books
Loves playing with magnets on the fridge
Likes to stand and open and close doors over and over
Gives kisses to the babies in her books
Loves playing with magnets on the fridge
Likes to stand and open and close doors over and over
Likes crawling up and over everything
Crawls up the stairs, but still trying to teach her how to go down them
Enjoys going to our studio to play with the toys we have there for her
Loves to be outside!
I could go on and on. She is such a blessing to us and is such a joy in our lives. We love our little punkin so much!
Here's to you Hailee Sue!
"You're my Little Love bug, My Cuddly Kangaroo
My Funny Bunny, Sweet as Honey
All of this is true!
You're my Punkin Wunkin, My Peaches and my Pie
My Bread and Butter , Peanut Butter
Apple of my Eye
You're my Wiggly Worm, My Busy Little Bee
My Silly Goose, My Moosey Moose
My Monkey up a tree.
You're my Ice Cream Sandwich , My Watermelon Gum
My Soda Pop, My Lollipop
My Yummy Yummy Yum!
You're my Bowl of Cherries, My Toast with Berry Jam
My Snickerdoodle, Chicken Noodle
What a Little Ham!
You're my Tootsie Wootsie, My Squishy Wishy Cheeks
My Tickle Toes, Button Nose
Giggles, Squeals and Squeaks.
You're everything that is, You're all of the above!
What you are
Is God's sweetest gift of love!"
What you are
Is God's sweetest gift of love!"
Too cute! And my gosh, I know I say it every month, but dang she is growing up fast!
Makenna refused to hold her own bottles too. Silly kids. And wow, you are lucky she likes having her teeth brushed.
I really do want to come up there and see you guys again!
That is a cute poem. I have to write it down. You look hot in that picture. Hope to see u soon.
What a cute post! I just love that poem- so cute! Hailee is just adorable.
Awwww! So cute! Olivia has 3 teeth too! I am really hoping for the other top one to come in bc I think she'll be a little goofy with just one up there... AND Olivia doesn't hold her bottles either. These babies just know we'll do anything for them, they're totally working us!
She is ADORABLE! I love that she looks so happy in her pictures!
Laurie! I can't believe our babies are 9 months! Hailee is just cute as ever! I was dieing when I saw that she loves her tooth brush cause Reed does too! I totally thought it would be a nightmare to brush his teeth but he loves it! She is starting to look more and more like you I think as she gets older! Also, I feel bad that I didn't get the chance to call you while we were in San Diego! We were so busy with family stuff that there really was no time! But, Danny has some dental work my Dad needs to do for him so we are going back somethime in september so I will call you when I know the dates and we will plan something ahead of time!
HA!! Love it. That first picture of her is awesome. She is such a HAM. Isn't it crazy how fast they grow up? My baby will be 2 in just 3 months,, holy crap!!!!!
Oh yeah,,this is Lyndzee. I always forget to switch my accts over.
I LOVE this post, she is so so so stinkin cute! I can't wait to take her 9 month pics! She is so so photogenic the camera will be smiling that day for sure! I love that you put that poem on here too. It is SO STINKIN CUTE!!!
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