Sunday, August 31, 2008
9 Month Photo Shoot
We had so much fun tonight doing Hailee's 9 month pictures! She absolutely LOVES the camera! She is such a happy girl! She is already following in our footsteps of learning how to "break certain rules!"
There are so many pictures to post, but I decided I had to choose our favorites of the day!
There are so many pictures to post, but I decided I had to choose our favorites of the day!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Splash Zone
Yesterday, Friday the 29th, Gregg and I met up with a group of people at the Splash Zone here in Corona. It was alot of fun! I think Gregg and I enjoyed it more than Hailee did. She wasn't a fan of the cold water and all of the kids! She was content being held, but as soon as we tried putting her down on the wet ground, she cried! She did enjoy sitting on the towel and playing with her toys though!
On The Road Again....
Wednesday was Rick's last night here before he left for college again on Thursday. My family got together and we had a great dinner and hung out for the evening. It was so much fun! There is nothing better than being with your whole family and laughing the night away! Rick's good friend Jalyssa joined in on all of the fun too! She is such a crack up! Thursday we all said bye to Rick! I know he is really excited to be going back this semester because not only is he taking a quad with him, but he is also taking a snowmobile! How stinkin fun! He is going to be known as the guy who takes girls on the most awesome and adventurous dates! We will miss you Rick! Remember to study at least a little bit between all of the fun! We love you!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Happy 9 Months to Hailee
Hailee is 9 months old today (August 26th 2008)! She is growing up so fast! She is such a silly little girl and so much fun! She defiantly has a strong personality already and is such a sweet heart. She now has 3 teeth! Her first top tooth came in yesterday!
She has 3 teeth
She loves to crawl and to walk holding onto furniture
She loves to look and touch all of the clothes in her closet
She loves to look and touch all of the clothes in her closet
She throws tantrums already if she doesn't get her way
She still loves her bottles, but won't hold them. We have to hold it for her
Hasn't quite figured out how a sippy cup works
Such a "silky blankie" girl
Finally is sucking on the 3+ month binkis
Every morning she throws everything out of her crib to try to wake us up
Loves to play "peek-a-boo"
Loves to play catch and toss
Loves to have you chase her when she is crawling
Loves having her teeth brushed
Gives kisses to the babies in her books
Loves playing with magnets on the fridge
Likes to stand and open and close doors over and over
Gives kisses to the babies in her books
Loves playing with magnets on the fridge
Likes to stand and open and close doors over and over
Likes crawling up and over everything
Crawls up the stairs, but still trying to teach her how to go down them
Enjoys going to our studio to play with the toys we have there for her
Loves to be outside!
I could go on and on. She is such a blessing to us and is such a joy in our lives. We love our little punkin so much!
Here's to you Hailee Sue!
"You're my Little Love bug, My Cuddly Kangaroo
My Funny Bunny, Sweet as Honey
All of this is true!
You're my Punkin Wunkin, My Peaches and my Pie
My Bread and Butter , Peanut Butter
Apple of my Eye
You're my Wiggly Worm, My Busy Little Bee
My Silly Goose, My Moosey Moose
My Monkey up a tree.
You're my Ice Cream Sandwich , My Watermelon Gum
My Soda Pop, My Lollipop
My Yummy Yummy Yum!
You're my Bowl of Cherries, My Toast with Berry Jam
My Snickerdoodle, Chicken Noodle
What a Little Ham!
You're my Tootsie Wootsie, My Squishy Wishy Cheeks
My Tickle Toes, Button Nose
Giggles, Squeals and Squeaks.
You're everything that is, You're all of the above!
What you are
Is God's sweetest gift of love!"
What you are
Is God's sweetest gift of love!"
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Friends at a young age...
Hailee and Jocelyn are becoming good little friends! They have hung out with each other a few times these past couple of weeks! It is so cute because they will talk their baby talk to each other and play toys!
Last night, August 20, Hailee and I met up with Jenn, Jocelyn, Jenn and Ashton at Victoria Gardens. We went to the Yard House and then walked around and shopped. It was alot of fun! after a while Hailee got tired of being in her stroller so I held her in my arms and she instantly lunged forward to hold onto the stroller handles to help me push! It was so cute! Oh, and wow, Ashton is already pimpin' it! He is only 4 months old and had 4 girls surrounding him all night! That a boy!
I look all ghetto, I came straight from the gym, but everyone else looks cute!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Summer Days...
Hailee is at a point where she LOVES to eat all of the foods that we do.Well, I guess she loves the flavors, but then she spits out the actual food once she has sucked on it! Anyways, my Mom loves figs and was eating one and Hailee kept trying to grab it. We didn't think that she would actually like it, but oh my gosh! She LOVED it! 
Our precious "Boo Boo Bears!"
Hailee and I were outside watching Uncle Ricky paint his new trailer to take the quad with him up to school this fall. Hailee loved sitting on it! She will definitely be one to love quads at a young age!
Hailee and Mom on her quad
Hailee loves being outside. Everyday we take a blanket out in the grass and blow bubbles, play with toys and watch cars drive by. She has so much fun!
On Friday night, August 15, we went down to Dos Lagos with Jen and James Ward. We went to "Pinkberry" because so many people have been talking about how good it is, and was disgusting! It tasted like you are eating iced over sour cream! Golden Spoon is still by far the best place! Anyways, we still had alot of fun with them!
On Saturday Aug. 16 Gregg, Hailee and I went back down to Dos Lagos to listen to a band play. We weren't too sure about it, but it ended up being alot of fun! There were a ton of people there and Hailee loved the music!

We absolutely love summer time and getting out as much as we can! The weather is just so perfect and we love spending time together as a family!
Our precious "Boo Boo Bears!"
Hailee and I were outside watching Uncle Ricky paint his new trailer to take the quad with him up to school this fall. Hailee loved sitting on it! She will definitely be one to love quads at a young age!
Hailee and Mom on her quad
Hailee loves being outside. Everyday we take a blanket out in the grass and blow bubbles, play with toys and watch cars drive by. She has so much fun!
On Friday night, August 15, we went down to Dos Lagos with Jen and James Ward. We went to "Pinkberry" because so many people have been talking about how good it is, and was disgusting! It tasted like you are eating iced over sour cream! Golden Spoon is still by far the best place! Anyways, we still had alot of fun with them!
On Saturday Aug. 16 Gregg, Hailee and I went back down to Dos Lagos to listen to a band play. We weren't too sure about it, but it ended up being alot of fun! There were a ton of people there and Hailee loved the music!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Pamper Ourselves
This past Saturday my friend Jen invited me to go with her to a "Ladies Only Pool Day" here in Corona. No kids were allowed, so that meant we were able to relax for as long as we wanted to and to just spoil ourselves for an afternoon! This party was alot of fun! They had vendors with purses, jewelry, candles and more, there was an awesome pool and slide to enjoy, and they even had cabana boys that kept everyone cool with spritzer bottles and served us our drinks and frozen cold towels. It was alot of fun and thank you Jen for inviting me!
In front of the pool
Us with the host of the party (Jen knows her)
Us with the cabana boys
In front of the pool

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Two Years....
Yesterday was our two year anniversary! I can not believe how fast time flies by! Life sure is amazing together and we were truly meant to be together by how everything worked out! Here is the short version of our story.
On September 23 2005, Gregg sent me an email on LDS Linkup. We were both sick of dating those that lived close by, so that is how we both found ourselves on that website! I was living at home in Corona and Gregg was living in Orem, UT. That day happened to be his birthday and he was down in St. George on a boating trip. But, he had his friends lap top and frequently checked his emails to see if I responded and I did! This is when we both started sending a ton of pictures to each other.

I don't think either of us thought much of it at first, considering we lived so far apart, but we both seemed so interested in each other and constantly emailed back and forth. We decided that we mine as well start calling each other, so we did, which lead to HOURS AND HOURS of talking each day! This went on for about a month, then we realized that we wanted to meet each other. Gregg was the brave one to fly out to meet me. On Nov. 2 2005 he came here and stayed for the weekend with my family and I. We had an AWESOME time together! We went long boarding down at the beach, rode quads, miniature golfing and hiking! It was so much fun!
Once Gregg had to go back to Utah, we instantly MISSED each other sooo much! So we decided to get cheesy and make signs.

He continued flying out alot so we could spend time together. Christmas of 2005 I flew up to meet his family and spend time with him. That is when he told me he loved me!
I eventually realized that if this was going to work out, I would have to move up there. So, I did. I moved to Orem, UT Feb. 2006 and we continued to date. Easter weekend Gregg proposed to me. I had no clue it was coming. He called me and said that they were practicing the ladder climbs at work and said I could come and try it. So of course I did! I was so excited! When we were at the very top, the Engineer swung the ladder around looking to the lower parking lot, and then the Fire Engine below drove away revealing the "Will you Marry Me" chalk drawing. Gregg got down on one knee (yes, even being up on a ladder!) And of course, I said yes! That night we took of to Vegas and met up with my parents for the weekend which was so fun to share the exciting news with them!

Our Engagement Picture
We were married in the San Diego Temple on Aug 5 2006.

Our first Christmas as a married couple
Our 1 Year Anniversary
(I was 6 months pregnant)
Nov 26 2007 Hailee Sue Hardy was born

Christmas 2007
Our Family Picture
Aug 5 2008
Our 2 Year Anniversary!
Happy anniversary! I LOVE you so much!

On September 23 2005, Gregg sent me an email on LDS Linkup. We were both sick of dating those that lived close by, so that is how we both found ourselves on that website! I was living at home in Corona and Gregg was living in Orem, UT. That day happened to be his birthday and he was down in St. George on a boating trip. But, he had his friends lap top and frequently checked his emails to see if I responded and I did! This is when we both started sending a ton of pictures to each other.

I don't think either of us thought much of it at first, considering we lived so far apart, but we both seemed so interested in each other and constantly emailed back and forth. We decided that we mine as well start calling each other, so we did, which lead to HOURS AND HOURS of talking each day! This went on for about a month, then we realized that we wanted to meet each other. Gregg was the brave one to fly out to meet me. On Nov. 2 2005 he came here and stayed for the weekend with my family and I. We had an AWESOME time together! We went long boarding down at the beach, rode quads, miniature golfing and hiking! It was so much fun!

He continued flying out alot so we could spend time together. Christmas of 2005 I flew up to meet his family and spend time with him. That is when he told me he loved me!
Our Engagement Picture

(I was 6 months pregnant)

Christmas 2007
Our Family Picture

Our 2 Year Anniversary!
Happy anniversary! I LOVE you so much!
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