We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving. This year was extra special though, because it happened to be Hailee's 2nd birthday too! We are so thankful for what a wonderful, amazing, precious, sweet and loving daughter that she is.We are so proud of her, for her accomplishments, for the love that she brings into our lives and everything about her. She truly is a blessing in our lives and we are so thankful for her.
We spent Thanksgiving at my parents house this year. It was wonderful!
We started the day off with our traditional fun hike!
It was alot of fun too because Rick was in town! (We missed Gregg on the hike...he worked a graveyard the previous night, so he was home sleeping)
We weren't able to push the stroller the entire way of the hike, which was fine because Hailee wanted out so she could hike too! She had so much fun! She would climb on every single rock that she passed and was just so happy to be such a "big" girl hiking with all of us..JPG)
Once we made it back to the stroller, she was so tired! She hiked almost a full mile (That's alot for a 2 year old!) As soon as she got in her stroller, she closed her eyes and fell asleep until we got back to the car!
Once we got home, we showered and then had our wonderful Thanksgiving dinner! We had all of our favorite foods! One funny thing is that the turkey was a little over cooked. Our hike ended up being alot longer then planned. Gregg said that if you dip it in water before each bite then it's not so dry! haha. But we would much rather have a dry turkey and go on an extra long hike then to have a moist turkey with a short hike. However, I still thought the turkey tasted great!
Thanks to Mom and Dad for such a wonderful Thanksgiving! We truly do love them!
Before our hike, Hailee saw all of her birthday presents! She was so excited! Especially for the wagon!
She climbed into the wagon and threw all of the presents onto the floor!
Then she had Uncle Ricky take her for a ride outside! She was one happy little girl!
After our dinner, we sang Happy Birthday to Hailee. She blew both candles out by herself! She was so excited! And she was so excited to have her own cake. The night before when we bought the cake, she kept showing us all where "Her" cake was! It's so fun now that she understands what birthday's and holidays are! Happy Birthday Hailee! Mommy and Daddy love you!
Thanks to Mom and Dad for such a wonderful Thanksgiving! We truly do love them!
Before our hike, Hailee saw all of her birthday presents! She was so excited! Especially for the wagon!
We had such a wonderful day and are truly thankful for all of our blessings; our beautiful daughter, our baby Jake who is his way, for one another, parents, siblings, loved ones and friends!
Hailee's 2 year stats:
Height: 36 inches (95%)
Weight: 28 lbs (60%)
I can't believe she's TWO!! Happy birthday, Hailee!
I am laughing as I see these outside pictures where you are all wearing summer clothes. We have been in winter clothes for 3 months! And it's only supposed to be 20 degrees tomorrow!!
By the way, congrats on being pregnant again and yay that you're having a boy! Crazy!
Cute post! I am glad that you all had a blast on Thanksgiving and that it was a special and super fun day for little Hailee! We are all so grateful for her and can't believe that she is 2 years old! CRAZY!!!!
You guys had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner??? Wow! Crazy ;) Glad everything was wonderful!
We got Celah that tube thing for christmas. I know she is going to love it! what a fun idea! happy birthday hailee!
2 Years Old! Happy Birthday Hailee....hold on tight mama! Looks like you guys had so much fun! What a lucky birthday girl to get to celebrate on Thanksgiving. Very neat.
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