Wow, we never thought this day would come so fast. You think that a year is a long time, but once you have a child, it speeds up more than you could ever imagine. It's really sad how fast the year goes by. Even though it fly's by, it is the most amazing, rewarding and exciting year one could ever ask for. We are so proud of Hailee's accomplishments and everything else that she has done. It is so amazing to see them start off as a newborn, where they are 100% dependent on you, needing you for everything to survive, then to see them being able to sit up all by themselves, where they are becoming less dependent on you. Before you know it, you don't have to carry them everywhere because they prefer crawling instead. Then it seems like it takes just one blink before they are feeding themselves, drinking out of sippy cups and walking around everywhere. The first year is definitely such an eye opener at how precious life is and how breath taking children are.
While everyone sang Happy Birthday to her, she was more interested in her food then what was going on.
Hailee with Grandma and Grandpa Robinson
Hailee with her Uncles, Kip and Rick and her Auntie Sarah
Sharing her cake with Uncle Ricky. She decided that she had to have a fork to eat her cake.
Riley ready to go home.
The end of the party. Everyone gone, presents all opened, and a whole lot of cleaning to do!
And thank you so much Sarah for all of the wonderful pictures you took at the party for us. You are such a great sister and photographer! Thanks!
PS. Hailee got so sick that night. I guess cake and frosting doesn't mix well with her little body. She was up all night throwing up! Poor baby!
Wow, I can't believe you is already one. Happy Birthday Hailee girl!!
I meant she. I have such pregnant brain.
Okay so when I first looked at the post I thought maybe I had forgotten the date of her birth...and then I actually read it and her b-day isn't until Nov. 27th. I thought I had lost my memory for a second there:) Hope to see you at the baby shower!
What a wonderful birthday party! I love the theme and her little throne chair. Her cakes were so cute! You have such an endearing family.
It was such a cute party! I hope you're feeling better. I know the flu is going around. Just let me know when you want to hang out.
I can't believe she is one. I bet she loved her party and all her presents. Happy Birthday Hailee.
What a cute party! Adorable pics!
That is such a good idea to have the little girls wears princess dresses. Hailee looks adorable.
What a fun party! You guys really threw her a great party - totally makes me feel like a slacker mom - I didn't throw Kami a party at all! Oh well - for her 2nd bday for sure. It looks like so much FUN (except for the throwing up part - definite sugar overload I'm sure).
You sure know how to throw a little kids party. So cute! It looks like everyone had so much fun. I wish we could have been there but I had mastitis and Makenna is in the midst of potty training....we didn't want an accident on your carpet :) much fun!! It's kinda a love/hate huh?? Like you are so happy, but then sad that they are getting so old!! What a cute party, I saw the invitation on Rachel's fridge, it was sooo cute!!!
Happy Birthday Hailee! I can't believe they are turning one! What a fun little birthday party! You guys were smart doing it a couple weeks early! We are gonna be in San Diego for Reed's birthday because of Thanksgiving! In fact, I really want to try and get together while we are there. We will be there for a little over a week! Anyway, Happy Birthday Hailee! SO Exciting yet SO SAD! It will be hard for me not to cry! :)
That was SO MUCH FUN!!! You can take that NASTY FATTY picture of me down, EEEwwww!!!! Anyway, you throw an amazing party, people stayed a long time which means it was a hit. The deco was amazing and Hailee and that cake were SO FUN to watch. SO SAD she got sick that night!!!
She is a beautiful beautiful little girl and I am so happy to be her auntie!!! Happy Birthday in a few more days little HAILEE!
Happy Birthday Hailee! That looks like such a fun, cute little party! It's amazing how fast they grow, isn't it???
What a darling little birthday!!! I love how she just dove into her cake. Bummer she didn't feel so good after!! Poor little thing!! You guys are so cute! I can't believe she's walking already!! It's so weird to see her on two legs!!! One year old on the 26th, right?? I can't believe it's already been a year!
I find out in a week if for sure we're having a girl. I hope it is!! Everything is cuter for girls!! Will keep ya posted!! Take care!
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