We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We sure did!
I started the morning off with a run that I thought would be pleasant but turned out into being a run full of dry heaving! Nothing like running first thing in the morning on an empty stomach to the smell of turkey and Thanksgiving dinners cooking on every single street! I was amazed at how strong the smell was through out the neighborhood! I was so happy once that run was over!
That afternoon we all went down to Kip and Sarah's house. It was alot of fun. My mom did most of the cooking and put Sarah in charge of cooking the turkey, so Gregg and I had it really easy! Just show up and eat! Thanks you two for the great cooking! Everything turned out so beautiful!
It was such a relaxing and rewarding day to be able to spend it hanging out as a family and talking about everything we are thankful for. The only one who wasn't here was Ricky who we missed alot. But we were thankful that he was able to go to Utah to spend Thanksgiving with our relatives.
One of my favorite things about the holidays is that it makes you realize how much you really do have to be thankful for. A few things that I am so thankful for are my wonderful husband, my beautiful daughter, my family, the Gospel and my health.
And what do you think we all did the very next morning??? You got it right....we were all up early and at an awesome boot camp class taught by my Mom at Fire House Fitness! It was soooooo much fun! Everyone was invited to bring their spouses to class today for a holiday "butt-kickin" class! And let me tell you...it was such an AWESOME and HARD workout! We all felt so much better afterwards knowing that we had burned off all of our Thanksgiving dinners!
At the end of the boot camp class, we ran this KILLER hill! TWICE!