On Tuesday July 29
th, it was Hailee's FIRST EARTHQUAKE! It was a 5.4 centered in Chino Hills, not too far from Corona! And wow, did we feel it! Hailee and I were home alone and I was sitting on the couch feeding her a bottle and Bailey started barking like CRAZY! All of a sudden the house started SHAKING! It took me a few seconds to even realize that it was an earthquake! For some reason I thought a plane was crashing into our house! But as soon as I did realize that it wasn't a plane and that it was an EARTHQUAKE, I ran to the kitchen table with Hailee and we hid under it for cover! As soon as we got under the table, I realized that we were facing the sliding
glass door and I thought to myself "Shoot, if that breaks we will be screwed with a face full of glass!" So, I hurry and turned around underneath the table, and while I did that, I WHACKED the top of my head super hard on the table and CUT it! At first I didn't think anything of it, except for the fact that it REALLY HURT, but once the earthquake stopped I felt my head and it was BLEEDING! Wow, how sad that I cut my head! But at least nothing serious happened to Hailee or me!

Gregg was at the hospital for work and told me that was a crazy experience. This was his FIRST earthquake that he remembers ever being in! But the interesting thing about hospitals are that they are built on rollers, so once the earthquake was over, the
hospital continued to roll for a while. Everyone acted normal and continued on with their work.
My Mom and Ricky were at
Lowes and said that the big ceiling pipes sounded like THUNDER and everyone started running out and screaming and confused! My Mom and Ricky stayed inside trying to figure out what to do! Thankfully nothing fell on them and they were safe!
My Dad and Kipper were both at work and they saw buildings swaying! That would have been an awesome sight to see!
that's where we all were during this earthquake!