Anyways, Gregg and Ricky got here on Thursday with all of our stuff and today we got our storage unit to store all of our stuff there until we buy a house. (Right now we are living with my parents). Well, off to go play games with the fam and inlaws! We hope to see alot of you guys soon!

We are excited that you are here and I was so happy to see Kipper reaching for Hailee, he sure is warming up and is so happy that she is big enough for him not to be freaked out by her. It was fun babysitting and we are happy you all made it safe and are all here now!
Glad you guys are back and made it safely! We all need to get together soon... We will try and make it tomorrow for the blessing... if not we expect to see lots of cute pictures!
Glad your back for good! Your little baby is so beautiful and cute!
Welcome back!! When things have settled . . .we'll have to hang out. Go hiking, walk around Dos Lagos, or something.
Welcome Home!
So glad you made it safe and sound!
Welcome back to Cali. Good luck on finding a house.
Welcaome back to Cali. Thanks for the invite to her blessing. We were out of town. I am glad that the plae ride went so well. I can't wait to meet your little girl.
Thanks for posting on our blog, Paul says Hi. Your little girl is adorable! She has big, beautiful eyes.We are going to Hawaii this summer, and I'm scarred to death to take Kaelyn on a plane, I loved all of your advice. Now that you're a pro,:-) let me know if there is anything else I should know.
Laurie! I'm so glad you guys made it there safe! I'm sad we didn't get to see you right before you left! Things were crazy busy for Danny and I with work and everything and that Sunday, we were at his parents house for his mom's birthday. Anyway, I'm glad you guys arrived safe! I'm sure you are loving the southern california sun! I miss it! I will email you soon!
I'm glad the ride went well. It's when they want to start being mobile that being confined to a lap for 2 hours isn't so fun! Good luck with getting settled - I love the pic on the front of her in that dress - soooo cute! She is changing so fast! Enjoy sunny cali - I miss it!
YAAAY, welcome to California!!
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