This past weekend Hailee has not been feeling very well. To be honest, she hasn't been feeling very well this past month. When we were living in Utah, I took her to the doctors a couple of times to see what was going on and they kept telling me it was probably a virus infection that she had. It has been frustrating because they don't have any medicine for a viral infection, so she seems to get better for a few days, and then she is sick again. Well, this past weekend we could definitely tell she was getting sick again. On Sunday night after an extremely long nap, we woke her up to give her a bottle and she looked HORRIBLE! We took her temperature and it was 103.6! I was so scared because that is EXTREMELY high! Thank goodness for Gregg who is good with dealing with this kind of stuff. We stripped her down and covered her in cool wash cloths to try and get her fever to break. I stayed up with her the whole night making she was okay and giving her Tylenol every four hours. Yesterday her temp. was down to 100.3 so we were all excited thinking that this "bug" was passing right through her, but then again, her temp. rose to a 103.3. This afternoon we took her into the doctors to see what is going on, and after a few tests, the doctor told us that she has a bacterial infection. No fun! He gave us some medicine to help her get better, so hopefully that will start helping. It is so sad and hard to see your tiny child suffer in so much pain, especially when you know there is nothing you can really do to help her besides holding her in your arms all night, rocking her, soothing her and giving her all of your love.
O my gosh, how sad, I am so happy to know that you and Gregg take such good care of her and love her so much. I hope she gets over this sickness fast, poor little girl! I am glad that they finally figured it out! Well Auntie Ra Ra and Uncle Dew will get praying for our little niece to get feeling much much better.
What great parents she has! Being sick is never fun! I hope she feels better and your able to get some rest :)
Poor little Hailee! I hope the medicine works fast and she back to her happy self!
Having a sick little baby is no fun. Been there with Daylen, he had pneumonia at 8 months and it sucked. It hurts to see your baby in pain and you can't do nothing about it. I am glad that she is doing better.
I haven't experienced that yet but do not look forward to it. Hope she gets much better soon!
So sorry to hear that. I totally understand that helpless feeling. I just wish Doctors took babies being sick a little more seriously. they all just pass it off as a virus thats going around. I HATE IT! Its good to hear you got some medicine though!
Hope she feels better
Poor Hailee! I am glad you guys found out what was wrong with her, and I hope she gets better soon so we can all get together!
I am so sorry for your poor little girl. It is very painful to see your little one suffering and only be able to do so much to help them. I have been lucky and Makenna has rarely been sick, so I don't have Much experience with that. But the few times she has been it breaks my heart. Hang in there you guys!
Those things are so scary. Good job though. What a good mama. I hope that she will be better soon. It is so awful having a sick baby.
Hey!!! It was nice meeting you the other night. Thanks for the compliment on the baby's stuff. I had such a fun time picking it out. I hope your little girl feels better soon. See you sunday!
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