Jake is such an easy baby. I always say that, and then knock on wood in fear that it might change. Since Jake was about 2 months old, he started sleeping through the night. Now, he sleeps anywhere from 8-11 hours a night. It is wonderful!

Okay, I'll end with this story... So, we were at the park in Corona 8/27/10 and we were playing and having a good time. Hailee was running around and going on the slides and then this cute brown haired 4yr old boy comes and starts following her around. He had been playing with a few other boys and kept watching Hailee and then left his friends to go by her. At first Hailee was always looking back since he was following her everywhere and she was giving him dirty looks. I told Hailee that I think he wants to play with her. So then she tells him to chase her and they started running around and laughing a ton. They chased each other under the slides, down the slides and all around the swings. She got tired so she sat down and said she was going to take a break. The little boy sat next to her and said "I'm going to feed you" and pulled out a bag of pistachios! lol. Anyways, a while later I told Hailee it was time to go, so we started walking back to the stroller. This little kid yells to his Mom, "I'm gonna walk her to her stroller." Before we left, he asks Hailee, "I see you again??" Lol. I could not STOP laughing! This little kid was totally trying to work it with my DAUGHTER!!! Are you serious??? It starts THIS YOUNG??? Oh man, we're in trouble!!!! lol. It was soooo cute though!!!