One thing I absolutely love is seeing a newborn photographed. They grow up way too fast so its wonderful to have their tiny little bodies captured.
We were lucky to have two newborn photo shoots of Jake. I have so many more I want to post of his photo shoots, but I can't get the pictures to upload. So, I will try again tomorrow.
These first pictures were taken when Jake was 7 days old. I just absolutely love them. He was definitely a hard one to take pictures of because he was awake 90% of the time!
Isn't he just so dang cute!?! (These were taken by Sarah Lyn Photography....she is not only my sister in law, but also a great friend! )
These next amazing pictures were taken by my friend Amanda. (Amanda Fein Photography) He is 10 days old and again, he was a stinker and would not sleep during the photo shoot! But the pictures turned out awesome and I love them!

These next amazing pictures were taken by my friend Amanda. (Amanda Fein Photography) He is 10 days old and again, he was a stinker and would not sleep during the photo shoot! But the pictures turned out awesome and I love them!