About a week ago, Hailee and I were at my parents house and my Mom was taking belly pictures of me and Hailee decided she wanted to join in on the fun! She was having so much fun with the frame! She definetely is a picture perfect girl!

Also, the other day Hailee was being a little stinker about taking a nap. Everytime I would try to get her, she would run in her house and shut the door on me. Finally, I asked her if she wanted to take a nap in her house and she said yes. So I brought down her blankets and pillow and she ended up laying down in there for a good 30 minutes. She never fell asleep, but it did get her tired enough that she finally did take a nap in her bed. She is one silly girl!
Also, the other day Hailee was being a little stinker about taking a nap. Everytime I would try to get her, she would run in her house and shut the door on me. Finally, I asked her if she wanted to take a nap in her house and she said yes. So I brought down her blankets and pillow and she ended up laying down in there for a good 30 minutes. She never fell asleep, but it did get her tired enough that she finally did take a nap in her bed. She is one silly girl!
that's a good idea to let her lay down in her house. hopefully i'll remember to be that patient when our kids get that age. :)
cute! where are the belly pictures? bring em on!
I finally got caught up on here! Love the family pics, especially the one of gregg and hailee. There's just something with daddy daughter pics! Deacon looks like a psycho in that pic! haha
cute pictures of hailee. derek loves bein in his clubhouse too! or any kind of fort!
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