17 months! Can't believe only one more month until she is a year and a half old! Time sure does fly by FAST!
Showing us how long she is!
Today I took Hailee in for her 15 month shots. (I know, I know...she is now 17 months but I just some how seem to ALWAYS forget to take her in on time for her shots! lol. ) Anyways, she just turned 17 months on the 26th, so here are her stats.
She is 32 1/2 inches long. (She is one tall girl! Puts her around the 80th %)
She weighs 23 lbs 13 oz. (I think that's around the 75th%? I'm not sure. Anyone know?.)
She is one healthy tall lean girl!
She did so great with her shots! She let out two short cries after the second shot, and then she was all done! She was back up and running in no time!
We are proud of you Hailee for being so brave!
Taking her dolly on a walk....
Crouches down to keep her baby out of the wind. What a sweet girl!
Watching the mail lady across the street..and what is that?!? Thumb sucking I see? When did that start?!?
Off for a stroller ride! So happy that she finally LOVES to be in it!

She is 32 1/2 inches long. (She is one tall girl! Puts her around the 80th %)
She weighs 23 lbs 13 oz. (I think that's around the 75th%? I'm not sure. Anyone know?.)
She is one healthy tall lean girl!
She did so great with her shots! She let out two short cries after the second shot, and then she was all done! She was back up and running in no time!
We are proud of you Hailee for being so brave!
Taking her dolly on a walk....
phew we can stop worrying about hailee getting diptheria or pertusis... ha... I'm not surprised she didn't cry, she is a stud! miss you guys, let's play when we get back!
Congrats on your house again!!! I'm so HAPPY for you guys:) Hailee is such a big girl now! She looks so tall, but she's still tiny! Lil' girls are always so petite!
Sweet sweet sweet, cute cute cute and she is getting just cuter as she gets bigger! I love her little feisty personality and she is a total crack up! She LOVES attention and I just think this family is going to be full of strong little girls! She is so sweet! Can't believe how old she is!
Is that a diaper around her doll??? That's hilarious! What a good idea, I'm going to put one on Olivia's. It has a sewn on cloth diaper that she always wants off, why didn't I think of this? :)
It's pathetic to say, but Kellen is less than a pound away from weighing as much as Hailee. And almost as long too. Crazy!
Way to be tough for those shots kiddo.
Can't wait to see you guys on Tues!
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