There have been so many "New Adventures" these past couple of weeks with our family! It has been so much fun! Hailee is continuing to grow and amaze us so much everyday! She is such a character and has so much personality!
Hailee loves to steal Bailey's (the dog) bed from him. The other morning he was asleep in it and Hailee sat right down in front of it and started poking him. That didn't wake him up so she took her binki out of her mouth and started shoving it in his! (Don't worry, I washed it really good after wards!) He opened his eyes and groaned but still didn't move. Finally she got fed up with him enough that she picked up his paw, dropped it, picked it up,dropped it, and finally he got so annoyed that he got up and went downstairs! Hailee was so happy! She drug his bed down the hall and sat in it. I picked her up to put a towel under her so she would stay clean, and she hung out in the bed the whole time I did my hair and make up! I don't know what it is about Bailey's bed, but she LOVES it!
Hailee is "Just Chillin" with her breakfast!
This next one if more of a new adventure for Daddy. We'll call it "Daddy Day Care!' This past Thursday night Gregg watched Hailee and her friend Deacon while Shannon and I were at the studio working out. It started off hard...this was Deacon's first time being with a babysitter who wasn't family, and Hailee was hungry. They both started crying but Gregg did an awesome job! He was able to feed both, wash their hands, and got them having so much fun! Even Grandpa joined in on the fun! It was so cute see Gregg playing with the kids and having the kids being so happy! Great job Gregg! Love you babe!
The day ended up being AWESOME! Hailee and Deacon did so good! Neither of them fussed, they both took naps for a while, and the LOVED playing outside of the lodge! We are so excited to go back now! It was also so cool because there were so many families there with little kids and the parents would just switch out! I never even knew that families with little kids would still go snowboarding with their kids there! Guess I never paid attention, but now that we have a little one....I have realized that everyone does it!