Hailee is one who LOVES the outdoors! Everyday we go on our "walk" down the street and back! She loves to look in every one's yards, chase the dog, and play with things she finds on the ground! This is SERIOUSLY such a fun stage!

On Friday, January 9th we went to Disneyland with Jenn and Jocelyn Ward and Jen and Ashton Little! This was all of our first times going without the husbands! Just us and our babies! It was alot of fun! Ashton is full of smiles! He was flashin' his flirty smile to everyone! And Jocelyn was such a cutie! I was shocked that she knew what the carousel was. We were standing in line for the Peter Pan ride and she kept pointing to the horses on the carousel! The kids are all so cute together! Hailee had so much fun walking everywhere and running up and down the stairs! We will definitely have to do this again! Jenn Ward and I went together...it was so fun having Hailee and Jocelyn in car seats next to each other! So much easier because they were able to entertain each other!

Yesterday, Hailee went out with Grandma to pick tangelos in the back yard! She had so much fun! Especially when she discovered throwing them IN the pool! She is such a big girl! It is so neat to see how well and fast she understands and does things!

Last night, January 10th, I put Hailee's hair in pig tails! It was so cute! I was so excited that her hair was finally long enough to do something! Now hopefully the sides will start growing!

Lastly, don't laugh at this next picture! (Okay, I guess you can...I gave it my best shot!) We have this cupcake book that shows you how to make all different cupcakes, so I thought I would be creative and make cute doggy cup cakes for my primary class! This is how they turned out! I definitely need more practice but it was alot of fun trying!

Yesterday, Hailee went out with Grandma to pick tangelos in the back yard! She had so much fun! Especially when she discovered throwing them IN the pool! She is such a big girl! It is so neat to see how well and fast she understands and does things!
Last night, January 10th, I put Hailee's hair in pig tails! It was so cute! I was so excited that her hair was finally long enough to do something! Now hopefully the sides will start growing!
oh man that picture of hailee picking an orange where she is kind of looking to the side is ADORABLE!!! she's getting so pretty...and pig tails! lucky :) i wish i had a d-land pass so i could come with you guys, what fun. We need to get together this week and run, it would be fun if it worked out fo sarah's schedule too
Look at those pigtails!!! Too darn cute! Hair with boys is so different! I have seriously cut Reed's hair 5+ times. I just put some pomade in it and spray it and go! It makes me wonder how long his hair would be if I hadn't cut it yet! Anyway, Hailee is a doll! I think she looks more like you Laurie as she gets older! P.S. I was at the Salon all day Sat. when you text me, sorry! SO glad things are better!!! Now Reed is being a stink with sleeping! GO FIGURE!!! :)
How cute... I love the pigtails. I just wish and hope we are having a girl this time around so I get her all girlied up!
LOL! Love the doggy cupcakes! I bet they tasted good, though! I also love Hailee's sweater in the first pictures.. so cute!
Heyyyy, I think I have that cupcake book. We made spaghetti and meatball cupcakes!
I love Hailee's pigtails, I was just trying to do some in Olivia's hair today. I couldn't get her to sit still long enough though!
How cuuute!!! I love her lil' pig tails! D-land was fun we should go again very soon:)
I agree with you that this is such a fun age. I love her dress and shoes she's wearing picking the tangelos? She's so fun and it was cute seeing her and Jocelynn play together. Let's hang out soon. You and Gregg and Hailee should come over. I love the cupcake and yeah for pigtails!
The little pigtails are so cute !I want to eat them up! I cant wait to play with celah's hair. right now I only get to play with her mowhawk. haha.
Oh man! First, of course as a proud aunt, I just have to say that I LOVE my little baby Jocelynn! Second, Hailee is so dang cute! I love the picture they are in the car, it seriously looks like they are busting up laughing! I’m sure Disneyland was a blast! Jenn was really excited when she got her pass. Glad you guys get to hang out! Oh and your dog cupcake looks REALLY good to me!
ok, so i am freaking out over the pig tails!!!!!!!!!! that is so cute. And your baking skills are supurbe! did i spell that right?!
Ok all those pictures of little Hailee are so stinkin cute, she for sure is growing up, it is so crazy how fast it happens.
Disneyland looks like it was a total blast!
And I think you did a great job on the cupcakes, way to go girl and be a domestic goddess!
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