A few months back, we joined some others and started the team "On Fire For a Cure" for Relay For Life for the American Cancer Society. Below is our team.
Everyone had to raise money for this event that went towards the cancer society foundation. This event was a 24 hour walk. Through out the day, you had to have one team member on the track walking until the next person came to relieve you. The goal was to have someone from your team on the track at all times. This past Saturday morning was opening ceremonies. The first lap was all of the cancer survivors. It was a very touching thing to watch these people walk around the track. There were people of all ages, little kids to old people. Its scary to realize that cancer can hit anyone at anytime. This event was very touching at made me realize that no one is immune from this nasty disease.
That evening, they had a "luminary ceremony" where they lined the entire track with luminary bags lit with candles. Each bag was dedicated to someone who has passed away or who survived. The bags were 3 deep, around the entire track and then up on the bleachers. I couldn't believe HOW MANY luminaries there were! It was so sad. While we were walking to track, there was a family in front of us walking, and the father was cheering out that he was a survivor of cancer when he came to his luminary bag. A minute later, he came across another bag and said "That's my son! That's my son!" And then he came to another one saying "That's my daughter! That's my daughter!" All three of them have survived that battle. It made me realize how blessed our family is with great health. I couldn't even imagine how hard life would be knowing that 3 people in your immediate family were faced with cancer.
First lap with the cancer survivors.
Looks like you have been busy, but what an inspiring post!
My great grandmother died of colon cancer and my grandma had it but got it early enough. It scares me to think that runs in our family. Thanks for being a part of that team!
Wowsers looks busy busy busy. You guys are a beautiful family. Love all the pictures of little Hailee she is already so involved in so many things, I just love it. She is such a cool kid that is always up for anything.
Laurie... You are amazing! Your whole family is! Good for you guys doing such a great thing for such a great cause! Hailee is cute as ever! P.S. Could you be my personal trainer? How could we work that out since I dont live there?!?!?! SERIOUSLY!!! Are you sure you just had a baby 6 1/2 months ago? Cause it doesn't look like it! :)
Wow you have been busy! I love the new pic of hailee! I am glad your my friend and i have been loving hangin out! See ya tomarrow at girls night!
Ok, so I am cracking up right now!!! I can't believe you found her eating lettuce out of the trash can!!! That is too funny:)
what a great event! you sure keep active - that is wonderful!
That is so neat that you guys do so much fun stuff. Good for you. And that is nice that Hailee is a good sport about it all.
I love her getting into the trash! Just wait till she is Really walking. Makenna didn't care about crawling either....it's over-rated, right?
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