This past week Hailee turned 7 months old! Yep, you read that right...she is SEVEN months old! Can you believe that? We sure can't! It's amazing how fast time fly's by! I say that every stage is my favorite, but this stage is really awesome! She hasn't quite figured out how to crawl yet (She can go a few inches forward or backwards, but she can't take off yet). I am loving it because she still depends on us to pick her up and move her to where she wants to go. Once she starts crawling, I will definitely be missing that alot! But it will be so exciting for when she can crawl!
Hailee also has 2 teeth now! Her second one just popped through today! Yeah! She looks so cute with her two pearly white teeth!

With the hot weather, we have been out by the pool EVERYDAY which has been so much fun! We have Hailee's little pool set up next to the big pool. This way, she can play all that she wants without having to have us hold her. Gregg is getting so dark! It's so not fair that he can get so tan in one day and it takes me several days! Oh well!
Lastly, today I got my hair cut. (Again!) A few weeks ago I decided to go short, and then this past week I decided to go even shorter and I LOVE it! Thanks Katie Stowell, you do such an AWESOME job!!!

Well, that's all for this week! Hope you guys all had a great week too!

Wow, seven months! She is so cute and I love that onesie she's wearing. Anyway, the time really does fly by, doesn't it! I can't believe Dereks 2 already and says full sentences now. It's crazy!
your hair is adorable!!!!
LOVE the hair! and that girl just gets bigger and cuter!
I LOVE you hair cut! IT is sooooo cute! I can't believe Hailey is 7 months. Time goes by so fast I can't believe Collin is already a month old.
I really love your hair. It looks really good. I loved 7 months too and each month since 7 has been my favorite! I'll call u sometime this week. We can swim, shop, lunch, or hang out at the house. What sounds good to u?
Hey! Your hair is so cute! it's fun having shorter hair. I had to cut it short but still have it a little longer, but i'll probably cut it again like you! it looks really good though!
Laurie....your!!! Makes me want to cut my hair. I told Jon I was going to grow it out...maybe I'll "surprise" him with a short new do. Love the pics. Hailee is always smiling in every pic...I love it.
Your hair looks BEAUTIFUL!!! You really look good with the short hair and long hair, but this is perfect for you!!! You are one hottie that is for sure. I just love how much more stylish short hair is.
Also, love all the Hailee pics. She is just getting more and more beautiful every day. Everyone that sees her says how beautiful she is!!! I cant wait to see you all tonight!!! And I CANT BELEVE she is already 7 months, boy does time fly!
Time goes so fast once you have kids, and I don't think it ever stops anymore. Hailee is cute as always. She really is looking like a big girl. And your haricut is adorable. I would love something like that but I am trying to grow mine out before Kellen get's here so I can pull it back when I am in labor and nursing.
I love your hair and the 7 months is so cool! What a fun age and when they get teeth it is so cute :)
I LOVE your new haircut! Looks like you guys have been having fun by the pool... at least you guys can tan....... I JUST BURN and then stay WHITE! ;)
Oh. My. Gosh. I LOVE your hair! Its so cute!! You have inspired me, I need a sassy new hair cut too! Seriously, everytime I see Hailee I can't believe how beautiful she is. What a gorgeous little girl!
OK, I LOVE YOUR HAIR SHORT!! Seriously SO FREAKIN CUTE!! ;) You look REALLY GOOD!! K.. I will shut it now...But WAY CUTE!! ;)
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