For the past three and a half weeks, Gregg has been M.I.A. He has been hired on with the Anaheim Fire Department and right now he is in their seven week "new hire fire/paramedic academy". He is gone Sunday night through Friday night. He stays the night out in Anaheim because of the TREMENDOUS LONG hours they put in each day. He is doing such an AWESOME job and we are so proud of him! I do apologize to all of you for not being the greatest friend right now with keeping plans and hanging out. I have been so wiped out! It is definitely so hard not having Gregg home....but we know he is doing what he needs to do and he is definitely working so hard for us. We love him soooo much and can't wait for this academy to get over because we miss him so much! Once he gets out, I promise to all of you that we will be better at hanging out! =)
Keep up the great work Gregg and "Daddy!" We are so proud of you! We LOVE you!
Sounds like you have a hard working husband! Cream of the crop if you ask me :)
I know how that goes! Brian and I work ALL DAY and then by the time we get home, the last thing we want to do is hang out. But I always feel so bad! I might be able to make it to that ModBe thing tonight- are you going? maybe i'll see you there!
So you guys in Anahiem? We live there. Hope you get to spend more time with the hubs. That would be so exhausting. I don't blame you for not hanging out. Go take a nice long bath and relax a little. :)
I remember when my brother went through the fire academy in Anaheim when he was first married. He too lived out there during the whole process. But, I know it is worth it. I know how it is when you just need your husband home to give you a break sometimes. Hang in there!
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