He is sooo cute!
I think he is going to make a move!
It's about time!
Oh wow! Didn't expect that, but I sure won't complain!
Tonight we went out on a triple date....Mommy, Daddy, their friends Elise and Danny and their son Reed. Ya, Reed is already whooped on me. He couldn't keep his eyes off of me the entire night! We used to be friends up in Heaven. My Mom and his Mom were old roommates in college, and then they both became pregnant right around the same time which was really fun for them! Reed and I are only 2 days apart. He was supposed to be born a week before I was, but then we had too much fun up in Heaven and he forgot to come down, so I told him he really needed to be born because his Mommy and Daddy were getting tired of waiting. But once he was born, I got lonely, so I decided to come a day early to my Mommy and Daddy. So tonight we all went out and Reed and I finally got to meet eachother here on earth! It was so much fun!
My Mommy and Elise pregnant with us!
Our Mommys and us!
Oh my gosh!!!! How cute are they!!!! I love it. She is too cute. You both look so good for having babies. I seriously can not wait to take pics of hailee. She is soooo cute. Oh and thanks for your comment, it is hard having our guys out there in danger huh! It has been a rough few days. It helps to know someone who feels the same as me. Thanks friend!
I really like what you wrote about them up in heaven and stuff. Really cute post and I just love the pictures, it is so fun that they can be such good friends starting at such a young age. I love how it looks like they were really flirting, SO CUTE!!!
That is so cute. I love that they were born only two days apart.
Love the story line you put with your photos. Too cute!
Too cute!I love the face Hailee is making in the first picture!
Laurie, They are just so cute! I can't get over these pictures we got of them! We had lots of fun with you guys, we will def have to do it again soon!
i'm not gonna lie, you definitely have one of the cutest babies i've ever seen! and that one where she's laughing is priceless!!
How extremely cute! I love it and that is a cool story :)
How extremely cute! I love it and that is a cool story :)
That is the cutest thing ever! LOVE the pictures. I tagged you on my blog. :)
Your lil' girl is adorable... I love her face when her little b/f is kissing her cheek! =P
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