This past weekend we have been having to say our goodbyes to family and friends. Even though we are really excited to be moving to California, it sure isn't easy to have to say goodbye to everyone! But thank goodness for emails, blogs, hiking and Powell trips to keep in touch!
On Friday night we were able to get together with a few friends and went out to dinner. It was alot of fun!

Tonight we were able to go to Salt Lake to see all of Greggs family that is here in Utah. We first made a stop at Julie and Chris's house. We had a very enjoyable time visiting, playing Wii, and of course, showing Hailee off to everyone! We will sure miss all of you guys- Julie, Chris, Mike, Kenny and Kristi and their kids and Kaelynn. Thank you so much for all getting together and for all of the fun summer times that we have had! We hope to see you guys this summer at Lake Powell! We will sure miss you!

After Julie and Chris's, we went over to Gregg's Dads house where more of the family got together for a wonderful dinner and visit. Thank you guys for the wonderful times together, for the great hikes, yummy dinners and fun game nights! We hope to see you guys alot! We will miss you all- Dad Dave/Grandpa, Cheryl/Grandma, Alex and Tam, Erin and Jeremy, Betty, Jean, Colleen and all the rest of you!

We love all of you guys and thank you for all that you have done for us! Keep in touch and we will be seeing you soon!
Lots of Love, Gregg, Laurie and Hailee