To the wonderful men in my life....Happy Fathers Day
I have an amazing Dad. I truly do. He has always been there for me through out my life, and continues to be everyday. He is one who I look up to; who taught me what qualities a husband should have and has taught me many valuable lessons of life. I just love my Dad. I can always go to him for counsel, advice and for fun times. The other amazing thing about him now is what an incredible Grandpa he is to his Grand kids. I absolutely love seeing Hailee spending time with him. She is always so interested in what "Gampa" is doing. It is so neat to see my Dad get down at her level, take his time to explain things to her and to let her help him work on projects around their house. I am really blessed to have him as my Dad and a Grandpa to our children. We love you Dad/Grandpa!
Second, I want to wish my husband a happy Fathers Day. Gregg is such a wonderful Daddy. Hailee and Jake love him so much. I love seeing the relationship that Hailee and Gregg have...they are constantly always laughing together, wrestling on the ground, swimming in the pool, or snuggling on the couch. You can tell that she already looks up to him so much. He is also such a great Dad to Jake. You can tell he is so excited to have a little boy (now he won't always be having to have only tea parties, or dressing up like princesses...which I have to so is just so cute!) But it is so precious to see him with Jake. He is a wonderful Daddy and husband and we love him so much!
Now, I know this is late, but with having a baby...I have been slacking on my blogging so I am trying to get caught up....
So, this is for Mother's Day...
Happy Mothers Day Mom!
My Mom and I have such an amazing relationship. Her and I are so much's almost scary! lol. She is my best friend and I love her dearly. She has taught me so much through out my life....but most importantly, on how to be a Mom. Still to this day, I am always calling her asking for advice on what to do in certain situations, and she always has the right answer! Amazing! I just hope I can be as good as a Mom to my children and she is to me. She is also the most incredible Grandma. Her and Hailee have such a deep relationship with each other. Hailee just loves her Gama so much. They are always doing fun things might be playing in the play house for hours at a time, singing and dancing the pokey pokey, or going on exploring hikes together! My Mom is also amazing with Jake! They are just too cute together! We love you Mom/ Grandma!
Here are some random pictures:My Mom and Dad (2007) They can always make us laugh!
Christmas 2009
Amazing Grandparents 
April 2010 Gregg and Hailee....he took her for a Daddy/daughter camping trip in the backyard. They had so much fun together!
April 2010 My wonderful husband and amazing Daddy to Hailee and Jake
Very sweet post. And seeing those pictures of you as a baby makes me see even more resemblance of you in Jake. So sweet.
Love these pictures, they are BEAUTIFUL and in the picture of your mom with you, wow you look SO MUCH like your mom! I always knew that but in that picture wow!
I love them both dearly as well and feel so lucky to be a daughter in law to them and have our daughter have them as grandparents. So blessed to have you all in our lives!
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