"Dear Daddy,
If I could talk like a big kid, I would tell you that you are so special to me. You are so funny and can always make me laugh. Thank you so much for playing with me, tickling me, making me yummy food, taking me on walks, to the park, and to the pool. You are super cool and I am so happy to have you as my Daddy. I love you so much. Happy Daddy's Day!
Love your little girl,
Gregg is such an amazing Daddy to Hailee. He just adores her more than anything and she is definitely his little princess. We love you so much honey! Thank you for all that you do!

I would like to also tell my Dad that I love him so much. He is truly such an amazing man and father. He has been one that I have always been able to go to for comfort, support, encouragement, and for fun times! He has been the rock in my life (as well as my Mom) since I can remember. We love you so much Dad and thank you for all that you do. Happy Father's Day!

This past Father's Day we celebrated it at our house! It was alot of fun! I was in charge of making a game...so I decided to go "old school" and make a "Pin the tie on Daddy!" Don't laugh at my drawing...I definitely DON'T have skills in that department! lol. We all laughed at how GAY the "Man" looked! Oh well, I tried! We laughed so hard while we were playing it! I forget how DIZZY you get after 10 SPINS!!!

Also, I had Sarah take Hailee's 18 month pictures! (I know...almost a month late...but hey, I got them done!) They turned out great!

WOW, those are beautiful shots of Hailee, her eyes look stunning and so intense! Sounds like you all are having a blast! :)
That was a really, really fun Fathers Day, you threw a good party with really good food! Glad you have your home now and can throw fun little shindigs because you do a great job!
Her eyes are gorgeous. Cute photos!!!
so fun! I want to play pin the tie on dad that sounds fun!
Your house looks fantastic. Youre getting a lot done, good job guys. Its gonna be so nice when all is said and done.
I love that game. You crack me up. I'll have to remember that one for next year. I love Hailee's pictures!
Cute pictures of Hailee! What a cute game, my drawing would have looked much worse!! lol
Those pictures are beautiful! You're inspiring me to get some done of Olivia!
p.s. I love your man drawing. He was very beautiful and not feminine at all.... :)
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