One and a half years ago, our beautiful daughter was born! Wait, what??? How did time fly by so FAST???!!!??? We can't believe that today Hailee is 18 months old! She is growing up so fast! I always tell her to stay little for me, but she doesn't seem to be listening. Maybe one day I will get lucky and she will decide to stay little forever! =)
Some things about Hailee:
*She wears size 18-2T clothing. (She still wears some 12 month shirts too)*She is about a 1/2 - 1 inch taller then all her friends who are about the same age as her.
*She loves her baby! We take her every where. When we go to any store, I let Hailee take her own baby stroller and she pushes her baby every where. (And I keep the back pack leash on her so I don't lose her) She also plays with her dolly like it is a real baby. She talks to her, puts diapers on her, feeds, washes and rocks her to sleep!
*She still loves to be rocked to sleep for her naps and bedtime.
*She has to have silverware when she eats.
*Finally lets me brush and floss her teeth easily. No more pinning her down to get the brush in her mouth!
*Refuses to wear hair clips in her hair for a long period of time. And pony/pig tails? Forget about that! Hopefully she will let me do her hair again soon!
*Loves to play house, to have pretend tea parties/iron and fold all of her clothes on a daily basis
*Not afraid of any loud noises! My Dad was jack hammering out side, and she wanted to be right there to watch everything!
*Loves to dance, play ring around the rosies, go to the park, play with friends, play with family, and loves to play with all her toys.
*Loves to stand on the chair by the kitchen sink to help with dishes
*Loves to help clean
*Loves being outside. If she could....we would be outside 24/7
*Climbs up/on/over/under everything!
*Loves to sit on the big girl potty! Once we move and get settled in, I am going to tackle potty training with her! As soon as her diapers are wet, she lets us know, and she wants to sit on the potty! I'm hoping she will be easy for potty training!
*She is such a TOUGH girl! She can fall/get banged, bruised up/run into or off things and she doesn't cry! She jumps right up and continues on her way!
*She doesn't walk...she RUNS everywhere!
*She says so many words now! And when she isn't saying words we can understand, she is jibber jabber talking all the time!
*She has such a tender/sweet heart. She gets concerned when she knows something is wrong.
*She loves to give us kisses and hugs, and to snuggle with us while we watch The Cat and The Hat with her.
*She is our piece of Heaven that we are blessed with to have in our lives everyday! We love you Hailee!
Memorial Day Weekend:
We started the weekend off by going on a date...just Gregg and I! It has been sooooooooo long since just the TWO of us have gone out...and it was so fun! We went to the Cheesecake Factory, and then to Wal-mart! lol. We were laughing as we were walking out of the store how much life has changed since being married and having a kid. We had such a good time eating slowly... not having to devour our food so we could play with Hailee...and being able to take our time in the store and actually being able to look in all the different sections on the store! Thanks Mom for watching Hailee!
Next step: Finish cleaning, paint, tile, carpet and then move in! Yeah!
I'm glad you and your hubby got to go out on a date! we are lucky to have parents to trust with our kids. I am so worried to leave celah with a babysitter for the first time! but its always good to get out without the kids- marriages wouldnt survive without it!
And I thought my post was long...hahaha! Hailee is getting so big! When do you officially move into your new home?
Wow, I can pretty much copy Hailee's info word for word and stick Cailyn's name in there. They'd probably get along great. These darn kids grow so fast, Cailyn will be two in a couple of weeks.
Your little girl really is growing up so fast, it is so crazy to see how much bigger she acts and looks every single time we see her. She is a total hoot! She is getting so tall and lean these days!
Glad we got to play with you guys on Memorial Day, so much fun! Love all the shots and yes I stole our first family photo! YEAH!!!
I cant believe how big Hailee is getting! she is so cute and sweet! congrats on your new home together! that is so exciting! im glad you guys are doing so well! miss you!!!
Great pictures! Aren't you so excited to have your own house!? I'm so happy for you guys!
Woo Hoo, Nursery age! That was such a sigh of relief for me. Crazy to think that you will have a 2 year old in 6 more months. They grow up too fast I tell ya!
Congrats on the house. Sarah has told me how nice it is and all the improvements you are already doing. So exciting!
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