"Yeah for Hailee!!!"

"I have two candles cuz Im two months old!"

Well, we can't believe that our lil angel is already two months old! (Jan. 26th!) Time has FLOWN by so fast! In some ways it seems like just yesterday she was born! She is so much fun and has so much personality already! She absolutely LOVES to smile, she is learning to suck her thumb, she is quite the talker (always making her baby sounds), loves to grab onto my hair, her toys and her newest is that she likes to grab onto her burp cloths and sucks on them. She is such a character and we are so very blessed to have her as our daughter! We just LOVE her SO MUCH!!!
She is getting so big already. I am so happy for you. Having kids is the best (even though it is so hard sometimes). She is really beautiful. great job on making cute babies!
I can not believe how fast time flys, it is so crazy that is for dang sure. I think she gets more and more beautiful every day and I can not wait to see my little niece on a more regular basis. How dang fun!!! Anyway, cute pictures!!!
Happy 2 months to Hailee!! She is so BEAUTIFUL and getting big so fast.
WOW... really already 2 months! that was really fast! and she is so so cute!
She is so cute! I can't wait to see what our little girl is going to look like. Only 9 more days!
Too cute...its amazing how a little one can influence your life so much! She is a cutie!
What an angel! Milestones are always fun! I love her eyes :)
Give Hailee a kiss from her Grandma!!!
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