What a wonderful Christmas we had! We were able to go down to California and spend it with my family. It was such an exciting time, especially because Ricky was home this year! He returned home from his mission on Dec. 14! Gregg, Hailee and I made the long drive to CA on Dec. 18th. We got there a day early to surprise everyone!
Christmas was wonderful, we had such a great time with the family and it was so nice being back in warm weather! While we were there, Hailee had her one month birthday! I cant believe our little princess is growing up so fast!
The day before we left, Gregg got a job offer to work for Anaheim Fire Dept! If all continues well, we will be moving at the end of Feb. and he will start March 4th! So, right now we are def. busy with getting ready to sell our condo and pack up and move.
We are so excited for this year, for all of our new adventures that we will have and all of the wonderful memories we will be making! We surely have been blessed so much and are so thankful for everything!

How cute. That is so exciting. I hope all works out as planned becaseu it is not fun to be tht far away from family.
I am so happy you are moving back! That is wonderful :) Your christmas sounded like fun and your family is beautiful! I am so happy for you :)
Congrats to Gregg!! Where are you guys going to live?? The baby is so cute...I think she kind of looks like your dad!!! Congrats!
That sounds like a great Christmas! and to be moving back to CA thats even better! CONGRATS to you guys!
Hailee is way too cute. So glad you guys are moving back! Now you can join in on our group party's! :) Looks like you guys had a good holiday vacation.
Congratulations on the job! My brother is a fire fighter in Anaheim. He works at station 8 I think. It's the one next door to Kaiser Hospital off Lakeview. His name is Brent Faulkner. Good Luck!
Hi Laurie, this is your old roomie, Ashley. I stumbled across your blog. I just wanted to tell you congrats on the new baby. She is adorable. I hope you're doing well.
Laurie, Hailee is so darn cute! I cant wait for us to get her and Reed together! Reed is so getting so big, its crazy how fast they grow up! So, congrats on the job in Cali! I'm totally jealous, but so happy for you guys! I will miss you being in Utah!
Love the pics! Especially the last one... and congrats on the new job!
Congratulations! Being a mom just gets better all the time! You look fabulous and your baby is such a doll!
Congrats to your husband on the firefighter job! My brother is fireman too in Ventura County, he loves the job! I met you sister-in-law, Kip's wife, the other night and she is hiliarious. Your daughter is doll!
Congratulations you guys- she's so cute! David & Natalie Fenn
WAIT,,,, is that Ricky as Santa? haha, cute pictures.
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