What a wonderful weekend we had of April 23rd! We went down to Mission Bay/Beach for the weekend. It just happened to be Jake's 1 year birthday and also Easter! Rick came into town and my parents had rented a beach condo right on the beach which was so much fun!
We started the weekend off by celebrating Jake's 1st birthday! I can not believe how fast his first year of life had flown by. Happy Birthday Jake! We all love you so very much!
We brought all of his presents down with us, and he LOVED opening all of them!
Our little monster!
This was also an extra special milestone day for Jake. Before this day, he would take a few steps here and there and cruise along the furniture. But on his birthday, he decided he was done with crawling and started to walk....all of the time! We were so excited and proud of him! Hailee was especially excited, now she had someone who she could really chase around!
After opening Jake's presents, we walked over to Mission Beach. (Our condo was on Mission Bay) The weather was absolutely PERFECT for flying kites! You would have thought that we were on some kind of roller coaster, or at a comedy club for how much we were LAUGHING as we flew these kites! I wish I would have gotten a picture, but there were hundreds of birds in large groups flying by really low and we kept trying to hit them. My Dad was the lucky one and nailed one of the birds!
After flying kites for a few hours, we went back to the condo and were very surprised that the EASTER bunny had found us and hid Easter Eggs!!! Hailee has really started understanding the fun when it comes to holidays and the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause. She was so excited to start finding the eggs!
She was a little disappointed when she dropped an egg and only one Hershey kiss had fallen out. I guess the Easter Bunny needs to work on packing the eggs full next year!
Jake didn't really understand what was going on, but once he realized there was candy in the eggs, he took off finding as many as he could!
That night we celebrated with cake and ice cream!
Jake wasn't one to dig right in, so Hailee showed him how its done....first she let him taste the frosting, and then she helped him put his hands into it.
And once he realized what it was, he dug right in!
A few things about Jake and 1 years old:
The next day, Gregg and I and the kids stayed at the beach for most of the day. The kids were loving the sand and sun!
We had a picnic lunch and then fed the seagulls rest of our food.

Jake didn't really understand what was going on, but once he realized there was candy in the eggs, he took off finding as many as he could!
* He now walks all of the time
* Loves to eat
*Great sleeper!
* Weighs 22 lbs
* Loves to play with balls
* Says mama, baba, dada and a few more (But I cant think of them right now! Ahh!)
* LOVES the water! He loves to play in the bath, pool, sinks, and anything that has water in it
* Loves the sand at the beach
* Loves to play with his sister
Once the kids were in bed, us adults had game time! We laughed so hard that night! Rick's friend Jalissa came down and hung out for the night too!
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