Warning: Picture Overload
Last week (Nov. 18-24th '09) we were able to go up to Utah! It was a very busy but fun filled trip! With all of us here in CA going and everyone's work schedules being different, we all flew up in separate groups! Us girls left first and then the boys trickled in the next couple of days.
All of our luggage! 3 Moms, 2 little girls, 5 suitcases, 3 carry-ons and 2 car seats! And yes....we made it to Utah with ALL of our luggage!
Janae, Shannon and I
Shannon and I
Grandma, Dad, Brooke and Hailee
Janae and Rick. They have been good friends for going on 5 1/2 years now!
The party was a sit down dinner and us girls served the food. We all wore black and white aprons! We all looked so cute!!
My whole family! Wow! We are getting big!
Grandma, Grandpa and my Grandpa's sister
Ricky and Hailee playing the piano
Shannon with the girls. She is so great with them!
Grandma, Grandpa and my Grandpa's sister
We had a great trip and were so happy to be able to see so much of the family on both sides! We are so thankful for our times with family and for the love and relationships that we have with them!