We arrived at CHOC Hospital a few minutes before 6am, valet parked our car, and walked across the street to the outpatient center. As we were walking, I was looking up at all of the hospital windows wondering who else was awake, how many kids are there, and then I was thinking of those who will never be leaving. I looked at Hailee and truly felt blessed (I always feel so blessed to have such amazing children) but I felt extremely blessed knowing that we would be leaving the hospital the same day.
We checked in, and then were taken to her room. She was very nervous, and wouldn't even let the nurse put on her wrist band. They said its okay, and they will take care of everything after the Versed is in her body.
The pink cup of medicine came, and Hailee did not want to take it. I told her it was either that medicine or a shot, and she instantly gulped down the medicine. (Amazing how well that worked). With in 15 minutes Gregg and I were laughing hysterically! She became the silliest little girl ever! She saw her Dora flip flops on her feet and took them off and then started having them sing and dance to each other! She was saying the funniest little things! Once the medicine was in her, we were able to go back with her to the "operating room." The anesthesiologist put her under anesthesia, and we were able to stay with her until she was completely asleep, which only took about 30 seconds.

We were taken to the waiting room, and about 20 or so minutes later, the doctor came out with the pictures that were taken as they did the small intestine biopsy. Everything to the eye looked normal, but nothing can be determined until the biopsy comes back next week. The doctor said that there was something else that she discovered; a hiatal hernia. I had never heard of this, so of course, she explained. What it is: a portion of the stomach protrudes upward into the chest, through an opening in the diaphragm. She ended up doing an esophagus biopsy too to see if any damage has been done. If there has, she will be put on reflux medicine.
We were then taken back to the recovery room, and sat next to Hailee for at least 45 minutes while we were waiting for her to wake up. 

Once she woke up, she ripped the oxygen tube out of her nose and then started taking the tape off her hand to take her IV out. She was so ready to leave! She was extremely emotional, which they warned us would happen once the versed and anesthesia wore off. About an hour later, we were discharged and on our way back to Grandma and Grandpas!
We are so proud of what a brave girl Hailee is. It is really heart breaking to see such a young child to have to go through such scary things. I know this doesn't compare to what some people have to go through with their children, but this is alot for her, and for us. I pray that nothing serious like this has to be done again. But we are so truly blessed that we have been able to take the right steps and figure out what was causinh her pain, and even more blessed, its just a simple diet change.
Now that we have been back, she only remembers bits and pieces of this morning, but overall, has no clue what went on. Thank goodness! We are sure proud of her and love her so much!
Now, while we were gone, Grandma and Grandpa babysat Jake for us. He decided he needed to wake up at 5:30am! (So sorry!) Grandpa went and got him while Grandma made him a bottle. Grandpa rocked him, watched tv, tried getting him back to sleep, but I guess Jake was ready to be up for the day! That stinker! LOL. I know that Jake had alot of fun with them. He really loves them! Thank you Mom and Dad for taking care of Jake for us!
I have been horrible at updates, but I am trying to be better....
Jake is now 11 MONTHS!!! He will be turning ONE on the 23rd of this month! He is our VERY, EXTREMELY, ACTIVE and BUSY child! He is into EVERYTHING! It's alot of work, but so much fun. It is so fun seeing what his little personality is developing into! He has been trying so hard to get "walking down". He can walk about 1/2 way across a room now. Yeah! It is so fun to see him learn! He also loves to color/draw with Hailee. I was so amazed the first time when I saw him pick up a marker (about a month ago) and scribbling it on a piece of paper.
He is also a great eater and sleeper! He wears 12 month clothes, size 3 1/2 for shoes, and I think he is 22 lbs. He's loves playing with balls, cars, anything that Hailee has, and LOVES being outside. We took the kids to the pool last week and he wanted to jump right into the water. It was hard getting him out of it! Such a water lover just like his sissy! He loves giving kisses and hugs and has a smile that just melts your heart. His laugh is so contagious and his countenace is so sweet and pure. He is such a blessing in our family and we love him so much.