October has definitely flown by! We have had such a busy month full of fun and spooky things!
Grandma had a Halloween party for her "Lil Goblins." It was seriously the cutest party ever! They all dressed up, took pictures, had spooky mac&cheese, a pinata, crafts and games!

Later this month, we had a girls "Fright Night" and went to the Haunted House in Lake Elsinore. It was by far not the scariest Haunted Houses, but it was still a blast to get together and have fun!
One of the days Gregg was at work, Mom went with us to the Pumpkin Patch in Corona. Hailee wasn't liking it and Jake was asleep, so this is pretty much the only picture I got! It was just one of those days....
We finally had a "Fall Weather" day! We were at the park, it was freezing, the wind was blowing and it started raining! And yes...my daughter does not have a jacket on....we tried, and she kept refusing. She is alot like her Dad....she is never cold! And poor Jake...he is like me...always FREEZING!
Don't let the fall weather fool you, because it didn't last. A couple days later we were back in shorts and flip flops!
Hailee is finally starting to love getting her pictures taken. She has gone through a spell where she hasn't been liking it...which has been so frustrating!
But on this particular day, she was hammin it up for the camera!
I took the kids to our neighborhood Fall Festival and met up with some friends. This was the only picture I was able to take before my camera died. I really need to get a back up battery! But here is Hailee with one of her besties...Kylee.

Hailee had her preschool Halloween party at the park. They planted seeds in pumpkin containers, made crafts, had lunch, pinata and treats. It was really cute! Most of the kids came in costume.

Now, I was really bad and didn't take any pictures of us at the Ward Trunk or Treat! I am so sad! But it was just me and the kids because Gregg had to work, so it was a little hard to get pictures. But the kids (mainly Hailee) had alot of fun. She participated in the costume parade, and even won an award for her costume! She also loved going around to the cars for candy. Overall, it was a really fun night and I'm really glad we went!
On Halloween, we took the kids Trick or Treating in my parents neighborhood. This is the first Halloween Gregg has had off in 2 years, so we wanted to make sure we could celebrate a holiday with him!
The weather was so perfect that night!
Hailee absolutely LOVED trick or treating this year! She would run up to each door and knock and most of the time she would say trick or treat, or candy please!! We had such a great night!
Afterwards, we went back to Grandma and Grandpas and looked at all of the candy the kids got!