Hey there! Welcome to our page! I'm Laurie and my husband is Gregg! We have been married for a little over a year now, and wow, time sure does fly by fast! We are expecting our first child on November 27th, a little girl! We are so excited! We're naming her Hailee Sue Hardy! She has already been such a blessing in our lives, and now we are just so excited for her to be born! She is the first grandchild on my side, so believe me, she is already so spoiled! It's so much fun!
Other than that, we are currently applying for Firefighter/Paramedic positions in Southern California. We are hoping to get hired on in the next couple of months so then we can move this coming winter. We are currently living in Orem, UT...where the winters are freezing cold and snowy, but the snowboarding is absolutely AMAZING! I will miss that, but I think I still prefer the warm weather and being able to lay out in the winter months in CA. Well, Gregg is still working for Orem City as Firefighter/Paramedic. He has been with them for almost 3 years now! I was just recently let go from my job as a nanny for a family in Provo due to m pregnancy. They still call every now and then when they need a babysitter at nights for when they go out, but they let me go from being a full time nanny because she didn't want me to wear myself out too much this far along in the pregnancy. I'm a little bitter about it because I was planning on working until end of October, but what can I do?
Other than that, life is absolutely amazing! We are so blessed and are so thankful for having the Gospel in our lives.
Other than that, we are currently applying for Firefighter/Paramedic positions in Southern California. We are hoping to get hired on in the next couple of months so then we can move this coming winter. We are currently living in Orem, UT...where the winters are freezing cold and snowy, but the snowboarding is absolutely AMAZING! I will miss that, but I think I still prefer the warm weather and being able to lay out in the winter months in CA. Well, Gregg is still working for Orem City as Firefighter/Paramedic. He has been with them for almost 3 years now! I was just recently let go from my job as a nanny for a family in Provo due to m pregnancy. They still call every now and then when they need a babysitter at nights for when they go out, but they let me go from being a full time nanny because she didn't want me to wear myself out too much this far along in the pregnancy. I'm a little bitter about it because I was planning on working until end of October, but what can I do?
Other than that, life is absolutely amazing! We are so blessed and are so thankful for having the Gospel in our lives.