Monday, January 19, 2009

Our Little Girl!

This past weekend, my parents went down to San Diego for the weekend. Gregg was working Saturday night, so they called and asked if Hailee and I wanted to come down for rest of the weekend so I didn't have to be home alone! So I said YES! I was so happy that we went down to hang out with my parents. We had such a great time!
Hailee was such a crack up Saturday night when we went walking on the board walk! She sure can put on a great show! We were walking and she started dancing! We started laughing so she kept on dancing! She had everyone that was walking by cracking up, and when they would pass us, she would wave by to them! She is seriously such the coolest kid ever! She has so much personality and is such a happy girl! We have been so blessed with her in our life! I seriously feel there aren't enough hours in the day to get enough of her! She had us all laughing so hard that tears were running down our cheeks!
That night we went back to the hotel and she continued to be such a funny girl! Gregg has taught her how to jump on the bed (I know, we will regret this one day!) but she would jump and jump and then throw herself down onto the pillow and start busting up laughing! We did this probably for about 30 minutes! It is so much fun to see her having so much fun!
The bed time part was not as easy! (But it did go alot better than I thought it would!) I decided I was just going to have her sleep in the bed with me (Which she has never done before) and wow...she wasn't liking that idea at all! After about an hour (which put it close to midnight!) she finally was to the point where I was able to lay her down. We made a barricade on one side of the bed with pillows, suitcases and the ironing board so she wouldn't fall off! Well, during the night she would start whimpering, so I would put my hand on her, and she would come snuggle right up next to me! It was so cute! Even though I didn't get any sleep that night, it was so precious to see her sleeping on me, next to me and across me. I definitely wouldn't have traded that time with her for anything!
Sunday we went back to Mission Beach and walked around and let her play on the play ground and on the sand. She had alot of fun!
It was a short over night trip but it was so needed and definitely enjoyable! Thanks so much Mom and Dad for letting us come hang out with you guys! We sure do love you guys! You guys are such awesome Grandparents!

Oh, and an update on Hailee's sleeping! She FINALLY sleeps the whole night through! It's been about a week or so that every night she now sleeps with out waking up! I'm guessing it must have been her molars breaking through. It is so NICE having her sleep again! Thanks to everyone for giving me such awesome advice! I really appreciate it!


Emily said...

What a fun trip!!! She is so cute and you are so beautiful as always :) What a wonderful time!

Kipn n' Sarah said...

Glad you got to go do that, it looks like you guys had a ton of fun! Hailee is such a crack up with her little dancing and her waving at people, she is so cute!!! Glad you had fun and all of these pictures are super cute!

Elise and Danny Neilsen said...

Ahh, my old stompin grounds Laurie!!! I am so jealous! Mission Beach? We go walking and running there every time I visit my parents. How dang fun! And Hailee is so cute dancing!

Sara said...

I love the video. Hailee is so cute. What a ham! :)

The Ward Family said...

I'm glad you got to go to San Diego. I love to get away, even for a night. Jocelynn doesn't sleep with us either but once in awhile I would love to cuddle like that with her. Hailee has some great dance moves!

Heidi said...

so glad she is sleeping through the night. I remember when Jackson was getting his molars... NOT FUN! Glad it was just that.